by on March 19, 2020
My "shaman" is a friend of mine. A middle-aged dude from Brooklyn, NY who used to be a part of a ceremonial ayahuasca church in Hawaii.    We both agreed that the medicine was the teacher, not the shaman. We also both agreed that it should be taken seriously, but not TOO goddamn seriously. He agreed to supervise/guide me through the experience and was so kind to get the ingredients and make the brew. I have done psychedelics MANY times, but I was about to find out how this is in an altoget...
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by on September 30, 2019
By the time i was in my mid teens, i was heavily into smoking weed and had a few psychedelic-like experiences on it. I also had done mushrooms maybe 2 or 3 times and had a somewhat profound and difficult first trip that i might dive into later. Well, one day my brother and his friends came into my room with a bong full of salvia (not sure what strength) and asked if my friend and i wanted to try it. We both hit the bong once or twice, and everything becoming suddenly SO funny. I was on my bed su...
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