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Female. Lives in northern california.
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a reflection of refraction, here to connect with like minded souls
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I am beyond grateful
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Lol Shoot the shit with Victor im not sure what you mean by that, its a fruit bowl I made myself this morning on a micro dose: strawberries raspberries tangerines blueberries and coconut. it was so good
Like May 11, 2020
Aunty Shroom
Victors just makin a crack at the foodies on Instagram lol
Like May 12, 2020
Anyone ever mess around with a toroflux toy? That shit can do wild crazy moves if you're willing to bend it and twist it out of shape! dancing with it and bending it like some weird, mechanically-aliv... View More
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Lost dimension
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Whats Ddg legends?
Like May 12, 2020
Deep dream generator !!
Like May 13, 2020
Found person
Like May 13, 2020
oh I thought that was a painting...
Like May 13, 2020
Deep dream ocean realm
14 people like this.
What Fantasma said.
Like April 24, 2020
Yep, I used the deep dream generator above ^^ It's a lot of fun to mess around with 1f642.png Thanks y'all!
Like April 25, 2020
Thank you!
Like April 25, 2020
I micro dosed lsd for the first time on earth day at the river with some of my favorite people and oh wow I felt love <3 floating on the water, eating yummy healthy snacks in the sunshine and lathering my body in coconut oil. Then we went back to my friends house for dinner and a bonfire. It was the perfect dose after bicycle day. And wow o wow was bicycle day special this year. >
Just wanted to express my deep gratitude for this community that has shown me and so many others so much love and acceptance. Knowing that I can reach out in a time of pain and suffering and get just ... View More
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T rex ophora
Your loved here! ❤️❤️
Like January 5, 2020
How are you doing today ?
Like January 5, 2020
Thank you, friends. Every moment is different but I am still grateful to be here. Hope you all are having a blessed day
Like January 6, 2020
Hailey Nicole
I am very new still to this community, but i am always here if you need to talk. Publicly or Privately im here! Thank you for being here.
Like January 6, 2020
IDK why im even posting it here but I just Gotta say. my mom died over a month ago and I feel totally directionless and like life is pointless. my dad died when I was 2 and my family isn't close and a... View More
3 people like this.
Stay strong this life here on earth as humans is funny, sad, beautiful and profound thing. I lost my mother to suicide at the age of 12. I found her hanging in our living room. It blew my little mind right to pieces. I was lost for a very very long time. It's been thru the teachings of Ram Dass and... View More
Like January 5, 2020 Edited
Like January 3, 2020
Friend, the pain is real and may never vanish, life will grow around the barren hole in your heart. It may seem like that nothing good will ever grow inside again, but thats not your job, time and nature will attend to that. Grieving may take longer than anyone may say is healthy, but dont pressure... View More
Like January 5, 2020 Edited
they are beautiful words.
Like January 5, 2020
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
Check it
7 people like this.
Wow what is that?
Like December 9, 2019
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
Idk someone else on here posted it.
Like December 9, 2019
Its called a nova scope
Like December 10, 2019
Maxatrillion Fatstacks
It seems they are a common theme with tripping.
23 people like this.
Those lil guys have some bigger ancestors...just saw the pic again and sent chills down my spine. Those things are magical.
Like November 27, 2019 Edited
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