Trip Reports
First off what going on new to the site/group .I fk with DMT on the regular like everyday now for about 1 year .A few days here and there ill go without but not much .But ill get to the point of my post ive asked people around me this question and they all have told me no and looked a little skeptical when i told them that what happens to me when im by myself in my room and ill lay on my bed and you aint got to believe or you do because you have felt as well.But has anyone done DMT and been in ...
I had the right atmosphere and some mantra going on in the background. Took 5 big hauls and there I was back in the DMT relm. I was standing on this edge of the universe when I turned into an eagle and flew around landing to become myself in human form again where I saw this gold egyptian god in a big white portal the gold egyptian god sorta looked like a bird with a long face and i wasnt scared of it oddly enough. When i looked at it, i could see its eyes looking at me so intently full of knowl...
So this was some years back. The first time I actually smoked DMT.
I packed a glass oil pipe (crack pipe) with a good amount of DMT. I didn’t weight it because who has time for that. But It covered the bottom of the pipe and then some. I used a turbo flame lighter too heat/vapourise the crystal while inhaling. I took a good hit and held it for around 4-5 seconds then boom.
The walls started humming and melting. Before I knew it I was in a dimension that was all black but had colourful electric...
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Thank you for supporting me through my journey into the world of dmt. I’m happy I found my way here when I was experimenting with dmt. I think I might have done too much. I tried to go all the way through to the other side. I broke through. The universe split into two copies of itself like a cell dividing and the other cell told me I was in charge of the new universe.
I felt overwhelmed immediately and my new universe just popped, like a balloon full of smoke, and everything vanished into noth...
Last night around midnight after doing some dmt We decided to eat the mushrooms that I got from a friend of a friend with a friend of mine who I haven’t seen for a while. We wanted to celebrate him being sober from alcohol for one month so We split an eighth. We ate them around midnight. By 1 o’clock I started to feel them kicking in.
We played 9 ball pool and chatted about life, things looked a little bit cartoonified and more vibrant, the walls got a little wavy gravy and wiggly squiggly. My ...
I decided to try the acacia dmt again last night. For a second time. I took one big rip, probably about 75mg.
The visuals were so trippy I struggled to gain any meaningful insight from the peak of the experience. I remember seeing a melting morphing checkerboard pattern with some kind of “machine elf” that seemed to be controlling the motion of the vision. It was too intense to behold and I opened my eyes briefly to ground myself but it seemed like I was in an entirely different room and I se...
So a few weeks ago a friend and I were sitting outside at a picnic table on one of the last days of summer. We were listening to music and enjoying the fresh air.
Once a good song I liked came on I whipped out my trusty yocan vape and loaded a large helping of dmt into it. I took a big puff and passed it to my friend. He hit it hard and we both sat there doing a special breathing technique I learned online that is supposed to increase dmt levels naturally.
I didn’t have any visuals other tha...
Last time I did dmt I tried a new kind that was extracted from acacia instead of the mimosa extract I normally work with. It seemed to be much more potent than the mimosa.
As it kicked in I felt my mind expand and I started to see the bigger picture of how everything is connected. Like all the pieces of the puzzle clicked together.
It seemed like I understood everything and it all seemed like a big joke or riddle or game and then it started to fade and I forgot the punchline and normality was...
I have a light work month and the opportunity to vape DMT if I so desire. My intentions remain ongoing. I am working on existential issues, getting a handle on anger and making direct asks for help for my husband (Nemo) if I make any direct entity contact.
I smoked a blast of fb harmalas first and am not sure of the dose. I had a 15 mgs misfire where I got some of it but it was less than 10 mgs dosed then I added 11 mgs to the pipe and tried again (both harmalas and DMT). So this trip was pro...
I have finished work early today and even though it’s only been 3 days I have been thinking about going back a LOT. I want to be able to take enough to get a spinning marquis and see if we are back to alien language or if there are any more messages.
But, I find myself lacking in guts.
The plan HAD been to eat 2 grams of shrooms then do some DMT today but that did not work out. Set wasn’t right. A customer called with an emergency. I wasn’t feeling it, chickened out, whatever. My next opportunity opens up in about a week.
20 mgs DMT, 8 minutes in trance.
Gorgeous rainbow with dark background start. The body load was a factor - I could really feel my heart racing. Reminded myself it is a short lived effect and worked on letting go.
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