by on September 21, 2023
So a few weeks ago a friend and I were sitting outside at a picnic table on one of the last days of summer. We were listening to music and enjoying the fresh air.
Once a good song I liked came on I whipped out my trusty yocan vape and loaded a large helping of dmt into it. I took a big puff and passed it to my friend. He hit it hard and we both sat there doing a special breathing technique I learned online that is supposed to increase dmt levels naturally.
I didn’t have any visuals other than things getting slightly cartoonish and higher saturation and contrast, kind of like seeing HD tv compared to normal tv. I did experience some wild body high effects though. While I was doing the breathing technique and passing the vape back and forth I felt wings grow out of my shoulders! I felt them stretch out and I could really seem to feel the warm breeze blowing through them.
I got up and started dancing to the music, it felt like the music was moving me and I couldn’t control myself. It felt so good to move with the sound. Normally my right shoulder is tight and numb and in pain but it felt wonderful at that time.
After I finished dancing I told my friend and he said he felt the same way, that he grew wings too. Maybe it’s the power of suggestion or perhaps he was kidding with me. Either way it was a cool thing to feel and experience. I have dreams of flying all the time and since this happened I’ve felt the need to occasionally do the breathing technique and stretch out my imaginary wings.
Have you ever felt anything similar? Ever dream of flying?
Posted in: DMT, Yoga, Meditation