Trip Reports
After experimenting with mushrooms, lsd, and some dmt I have had various experiences with some form of projecting myself out of my body.
It’s like I can see through the false reality and see what’s behind the curtains. Cosmic noise and energy waves. I’ll try to explain the best I can. I wish I could do better but word fail me.
I’m recently keep having these experiences more often Projecting myself outside of my own body. I can see the void all around me. Through my minds eye I can see others ...
Yesterday I finally used some of the mhrb spice I extracted last summer. I tried some then, and have a rather difficult experience that kind of scared me off, and I had been waiting to feel "called" by the realm to return.
It finally seemed right. I'm glad I finally got over my fear and went for it. Yesterday was so interesting. I didn't have a normal experience like what has happened with DMT to me in the past.
I tried using Syrian rue seeds and nicotine as MAOI this time to potentiate the s...
My friend (let's call him X.) and I arrive at the camping site of the festival, we set up our tent and go looking for scissors in order to cut our tabs.
X. goes asking a random guy about scissors, the latter tells us he's got a knife, at this point, I already felt I was in a videogame where we found a strange and mystical character. The guy takes his knife and goes with us to the tent, I cut one of the tabs in two and we drop half a tab each.
I found myself somewhere that looked to me like the hyperspace
It looked like a highway between consciousness and subconsciousness
A lost enlightened floating highway that goes in a vast dark space
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Hey! So this past weekend I brewed around 170g of fresh San Pedro cactus. I had no experience with it so I aimed at the 100-200 mg of mescaline. I definitely shot below threshold because all I felt was a mild buzz, similiar to being stoned. It did come up rather quickly though, maybe 45 min or so. Only at the 3/4h mark did I notice my pupils getting big but I didn't get any psychedelic effect whatsoever. Around the 8/9h mark I decided to take a weed/hash firecracker to kick it up a notch but fel...
I've really enjoyed reading trip reports since joining this community last week, and while I haven't yet tried DMT, I figured to contribute something I'd share a few of my past experiences with other substances that stand out to me. This one is from the first time I ever "hallucinated" anything - now that I've been learning about DMT I've been finding myself revisiting this experience more, questioning a little what exactly happened.
Here's a creative story that I wrote:
I have been wanting to try Salvia again for a while. My first few times must have been the lowest percent concentration of Salvinorin A, because they were very relaxed and giggly with some friends that I wasn't that close with. I recently purchased some 20x concentration and had it for over a week before I found the time and courage to try some of it. There were a few synchronistic signs that led me to believe that I was ready, including coincidentally walk...
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There’s a lot to like about liberty caps, and one of these is the delicious flavour. I drank the da...
I did it this afternoon (9/11/21), filmed it, start to finish was 20 minutes, which was way longer t...
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