by on April 17, 2022
I got my sananga in the mail yesterday. Well one of the orders. I guess you could call this a trip report? I tried it just now. It was quite painful for about 2 minutes. I couldnt do it myself I needed my wife to help me. I am no masochist, but it WAS almost pleasurable and apparently really healthy for your eyes. Weird. I didnt have any visuals or anything after though. I'll let you guys know how this other 60 mL from the other company in peru goes. Online it says to use it daily for a month ...
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by on April 7, 2022
In 2016 i started a 1,5 year journey through Peru, Mexico, Australia and the Philippines, living and working my way arcross the countries. Once arrived in Australia i worked in a cotton processing factory called a cotton gin for 3,5 months doing shifts from 07:00 AM till 07:00 PM 6 nights per week. I filled my pockets and bought a simple van with the intension to drive solo all the way around Australia in however many months it would take. Before enbarking on this joureny i spend 2 months with l...
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by on February 28, 2022
I was on about 600 mg DXM the fateful night my good friend called me and said he finally found what I'd been looking for for many years. I went over to his place and met a guy named Shaman who had the DMT. I kept my eyes open and held it in as long as I could. The room morphed/transformed, geometry shifting by some new order of physics, and I was suddenly in a pyramid/temple. There were multiple gods and goddesses standing there in front of me, i believe they were the Egyptian pantheon. Anyway, ...
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by on January 6, 2022
At the beginning of my trip I was sent to a different dimension. The whole room turned white and a Banshee came out and went Skreeeeeeeee (High pitch scream.) After I encountered this horrific being I saw my fiancee emotions come alive. It was filled with sadness and pain that I didn't know what to do but cry. During the whole journey I had to fight to get through every challenge I was put through. I encountered Mayan gods and man they weren't happy to see me. In fact I was being tormented left ...
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by on December 27, 2021
African dream herb (Silene Capensis) and mexican dream herb (Calea zacatechichi) are really good for lucid dreaming aka tripping in your sleep. I make tea out of it using a gram of mexican dream herb per cup or i smoke it. I take it before bed. Then i dream the dreams are usually old memories i forgot or it helps me think about something clearly by showing me something. One dream i had i found myself at a target (the store) a very psychedelic target. There were bright spirals everywhere and very...
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by on November 26, 2021
This is a report about my absolute first trip ever. This was accidental and endogenous, meaning my brain dumped some chemicals in my brain causing this experience without external ingestion of anything else. Just me and my brain, and an accidentally snorted little piece of ground cannabis which is absolutely insignificant to the trip, but worth mentioning briefly only for humour. I was in physics class as a sophomore in high school, and I bought a caramel chocolate bar from another student doin...
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by on October 16, 2021
I am god. We are god. Everything is god. You are safe. I love you. I'm so glad you came back. * Don't listen to the scary voices, they're just pranksters. "Don't come back here. No; i mean it. Don't come back. Ever. Just kidding. We're so glad you're here." *...
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by on June 26, 2021
Date: FEB 22, 2021 Gender: Male Age: 21 Height: 6’2” Weight: 175...
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by on June 11, 2021
I would like to start off by saying, DO NOT DO WHAT I DID????, Context: Well it all started a year ago on my last year of school, i used to live in Canberra (Australia), in wich shroom season starts from February till beginning of July. ...
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by on May 24, 2021
I recently began making blue lotus tea. It is bitter so I mix it with some chamomile, honey and raw sugar or butter (which is surprisingly an amazing creamer). Update: I found out this tea is so good as a milk tea. I just add a non- dairy dry creamer and it makes a huge difference. I read that you can experience health benefits, clearer dreams and possibly see some psychedelic visuals. I drank it a few times. The first time I didn't really feel anything. I loved the tea though and the flowers a...
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by on May 11, 2021
Hey so I'm on a mix of these 3 and the thing I learned in that state permanently changed reality for me as to where even when I sober up I can't stop astral projecting and I'm going off about how particles work and can't experience reality the same anymore, ive basically become a shawman
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by on March 21, 2021
I’d never experienced N2O before, and was presented the opportunity to. So, being the psychonaut that I am, I absolutely couldn’t resist the curiosity. It was probably what I would describe as the craziest 30 seconds of my life; but in the most cool way. I inhaled from the canister, taking about 2 cartridges worth. While holding it in, suddenly my hearing is vibrating, and I hear a constant “Wuhwuhwuhwuhwuh”, almost like a low, pulsating bass effect in a dubstep song. My friends laughter beco...
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