by on May 28, 2022
I'm surrounded by them for life ever since I fell in love with Dimitri & Miss Molly. What the fuck? I started in 2017. Did a dmt trip last night. Felt amazing. But I came back to reality & seems like people who think they're human (mainly family) think they know me. I'm a psychonaut for life. Fuck psychedelic/psychonaut haters.... I'm a hypocrite though. I hate them. I only know this because of love. Ugh... DMT carts in the pic with a couple of MJ carts. I'm grateful.
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by on January 2, 2021
So this happend last night, I took 240mgs of cordicin hbp cough and cold and 10mgs of ambein. It started out as a strange unfamiliar yet familiar feeling Visuals were light but heavy body load and I ended up falling asleep on it, i don't necessarily wanna call it a dream because it was like my soul was seeing super clearly. So I was in a dark blue ish 2D corridor which at the same time was 4D (hard to explain) that was stacked ontop of one another and I was going through trying to find my consci...
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by on December 27, 2020
Hi fellas. Did a round of pharmahuasca last night. Started with approx 10cl of homemade harmala tee from syrian rue. After about 20 min i swallowed a capsule with 100mg of Yellowish Dmt. Preperarions: I did bad. Ate a lot of shit up front. Junk food, snacks,2 beer and half a bottle of wine. I was a little worried but been struggling to find the right set and setting so I jumped ahead when I knew I had my Girlfriend to watch over me....
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by on August 15, 2020
Well I used 100mg harmaline and 50mg freebase dmt(was a terrible idea).the dmt completely liquified my stomach contents. Took them 30 mins apart. After about another 30 mins I could feel it kicking in. Unfortunately I couldn't stay awake for the first hour the dmt made my eyes shut and I had some very livid and lucid dreams in that hour of what I can remember. Best part I can remember was being surrounded by the faces of pharaohs with full headdress and chin piece. No body to them. When I woke u...
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by on May 27, 2020
I had the best experience on that, the indica took away some of the dxms visual effects but you still feel like you took dxm with a psychedelic and i am the happiest I've ever been and appreciate life so much more, and when I meditated I felt like an 11D being not bound to 3 dimensions... and music i can feel everything from it
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by on May 16, 2020
Some time ago when I was working through various pharmauasca methods I decided to try out Syrian Rue with my DMT. Now I had tried several other methods with less than stellar results, so when it came to this one I ignored the tek instructions which stated to grind and boil 1 gram on syrian rue. I wanted some surefire results so I went ahead and boiled 9 grams on syrian rue, filterd it through a coffee filter and chugged it down. I expected this to be mild at the most and walk me to a smoother DM...
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by on March 25, 2020
I made a crude extract of syrian rue by boiling lemon juice and water to two rounded tablespoons of syrian rue. I filtered off the grounds and boiled 30 mins until a brown goo remained. I ate the dmt and harmala together by balling up the goo and white crystals into one swallow (approx. 100mg dmt). T+0:05 numbness in throat and also smoking some of the remaining goo out of a pipe with a small amount of tobacco. Slight hypnotic buzz and increased salavation. ...
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by on July 20, 2019
Disclaimer: Syrian Tea is a MAOI.  Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs, MAOI) is a class of antidepressants. They are infrequently prescribed because of concerns about interactions with particular foods and several drug interactions. Side effects, drug interactions, storage, dosage, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to taking any medication.  Please use responsibly! Last night (Swim) made a Syrian Rue tea, waited about an hour, then went to bed and meditated to prep...
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by on July 6, 2019
The last week on saturday I've tried psilohuasca with 3 g of peganum harmala and 2g of dried cubensis. The resulting trip was unusual but not strong. It was night and I live in Verona. I've started near the 18:30pm preparing the mushroom tea. I've boiled some water ( a glass ) and i've done an infusion with the grinded mushrooms. I've waited 30min after that I've filtered and added new hot water a second time. Again 30min. After the waiting, I've joined the 2 exctraction and added some lemon ju...
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by on June 5, 2019
So Ive brewed tea once previously. This time I went syrian rue and mimosa route. This is approximately a month ago. I had been voyaging for approx. four hours when I exclaimed, "I am completely down!" Shortly after I touched down from hyperspace I realized I had fallen into an LSD level visual trance and everything had kaleidoscope visuals laid over it. Anyway anyone else experience this? How much different did you notice mimosahuasca from traditional brew?   PS idk if this fits under Ayah...
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