Trip Reports
Salvia Divinorum Trip Report - Fresh Leaf
Dose & Consumption Method
• Substance: Salvia Divinorum (one large leaf)
• Size: Approximately 5-6 inches long by 2.5 inches wide...
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Thank you for supporting me through my journey into the world of dmt. I’m happy I found my way here when I was experimenting with dmt. I think I might have done too much. I tried to go all the way through to the other side. I broke through. The universe split into two copies of itself like a cell dividing and the other cell told me I was in charge of the new universe.
I felt overwhelmed immediately and my new universe just popped, like a balloon full of smoke, and everything vanished into noth...
I'm surrounded by them for life ever since I fell in love with Dimitri & Miss Molly. What the fuck? I started in 2017. Did a dmt trip last night. Felt amazing. But I came back to reality & seems like people who think they're human (mainly family) think they know me. I'm a psychonaut for life. Fuck psychedelic/psychonaut haters.... I'm a hypocrite though. I hate them. I only know this because of love. Ugh...
DMT carts in the pic with a couple of MJ carts. I'm grateful.
Just saw a post in this wonderful network & made me recall this:
When I did salvia in 2004 I was at a beautiful park. I had multiple out-of-body experiences where my brain felt like it was floating above my body. But I couldn't tell if my body was then another level higher, or if my third eye was above all of us...all I knew was I'd never experience the same expansive feeling again, and in fact I have not. Learned a lot that day.
I just had 2 trips using 10x salvia, both time I ripped a 3 foot bong 2-3 times - snapping a full bowl of salvia each time tripping (I've done this multiple times before and would recommend only a couple hits off a pipe for your first time because it can be so intense.) . I set up a camera later for my own observation and one thing I notice is when on salvia I tend to laugh really hard outloud after realizing something. It's an interesting trip!
The first trip I closed my eyes and laid back on t...
So about a year ago, I decided to take a tab in the morning. It was a single tab, some high power stuff though. I always start tripping much quicker than most. About 30 mins later I was already feeling it. It was a great trip!! I ended up going outside, and one of the best things is that I live within walking distance of Vanderbilt National Park, and I have to say, for a trip, vanderbilt is perfect. It's so familiar to me that it is a safe place to roam while exploring the intricacies of each i...
This was in 2007 so the details of the exact dosage and time are fuzzy, but I am fairly confident it was 50x extract, and about 1/2-1gram if I had to put a number on it.
I don't hear a lot of stories about people becoming inanimate objects, although I suppose a tree isn't really "inanimate" a table certainly is. I figured it was time to try writing this up, perhaps I'll edit it as I think about more relevant information, but for posterity here's the first pass at it:
By the time i was in my mid teens, i was heavily into smoking weed and had a few psychedelic-like experiences on it. I also had done mushrooms maybe 2 or 3 times and had a somewhat profound and difficult first trip that i might dive into later. Well, one day my brother and his friends came into my room with a bong full of salvia (not sure what strength) and asked if my friend and i wanted to try it. We both hit the bong once or twice, and everything becoming suddenly SO funny. I was on my bed su...
Here's a creative story that I wrote:
I have been wanting to try Salvia again for a while. My first few times must have been the lowest percent concentration of Salvinorin A, because they were very relaxed and giggly with some friends that I wasn't that close with. I recently purchased some 20x concentration and had it for over a week before I found the time and courage to try some of it. There were a few synchronistic signs that led me to believe that I was ready, including coincidentally walk...
Firstly, some context. It was near to midnight, I was with two 'friends?' I say friends loosely, one of them I went to school with, the other I bought drugs off. We were in a small woodland area and everything was pretty surreal.
Casually my friend whips out some salvia and offers it around, school friend refuses, but me being the curious bitch I am had to try it.
I'd never heard of salvia before, he just told me to smoke it all in one go and hold my breath for atleast 20 seconds. It tasted li...
I thought it's time to test my salvia and loaded 0,3g into the bong.
My partner asked me if she can continue watch Netflix, I thoght why not and she watched some series.
Since I knew I have to keep the vapor in for as long as I can, I pulled all of it into my lungs and waited.
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