by on March 20, 2021
Welcome to my most awful trip ever lovely Dmt Community, So yesterday (16/03/21) I made the craziest experience of my life with LSD. I have taken LSD several times before and never had such an awful experience before. Normally I would say there is no "bad trip", only challenging ones, but this on was a dozzy. I'm 100% sure it was my own fault, that it came to this point. I wasn't prepared for this one at all, it was a dark day and my fiancé and me were tripping inside, we took 250 ug (moderat D...
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by on March 20, 2021
When in the astral, be carefel not to fire any astras. You are your other selves. It gets directed back to you. On an ego death where i was deep into the astral, experiencing the full power of the human brain - godly- I said to myself, something along the lines of, “ how do people have bad trips in this state, they must be stupid” and I watched the single peice of light that was encoded with that information be sent out, in my nadis (neural network) and couldnt take it back. Immediately, I start...
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by on February 23, 2021
I cant exactly call this a trip report based on what I experienced because I can barely remember anything that happened. From what I can tell you, I took too much and was irresponsible with the DXM dosage lol. However it was the most fucked up I’ve ever been in my life. The main thing I can remember is I would be talking to my friend and I would repeatedly zone out, and be teleported - suddenly looking around the room to be in a foreign place I didn’t recognize whatsoever, while my friend is s...
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by on January 12, 2021
So this was a unplanned get together with some amazing people. So it was about 330 or 4pm when we got there, wasn't to long before we decided to take some molly. About 20 minutes later give or take something new was introduced to me and my wife, this was my first experience with ketamine. We did a decent size amount to start, boy let me tell you (I absolutely love it) it was like a magic marker started drawing on everything and I mean everything had this really cartoony look to it. It wasn't muc...
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by on December 31, 2020
Summer. 2 years ago on my birthday It was hot summer day. My best friend came to visit me and I got us sugar cubes laced with acid and shrooms. The day was magical, cuz that was the time lunar eclipse happened. We took the shrooms and later on acid. We tried to time the trips to come on the same time. Went bicycling to find nice place to trip. That was the time my music production began to take hold and I was so anxious to listen my beats with the new music box I ordered. First we went to one...
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by on December 30, 2020
Hey y'all! I figured it was time to finally report my trip from Christmas, I believe this is also my first trip report. This was copy and pasted from my comment on one of my posts because someone asked how it went and I gave them the whole run down (I edited it slightly to fit with a trip report). So my sister and I both took 300ug at about 11:30pm on Christmas eve and during the come up we watched a movie that I forgot the name of, it was Christmasy thats all I remember about it. The acid kick...
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by on December 25, 2020
I had prepared for a trip the night before, however ended up getting super hungry and making pizza (very typical of me tbh, and honestly I was probably more nervous than anything.) It’s now Christmas Eve, and decided with all the amazing vibes going on now is the best time to dive in. It took me a while to work up the courage (I’m like this with any drug tbh) but I finally took a deep breath and railed about 40mg. After 20 minutes, as the effects started to kick in, everything became significan...
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by on December 17, 2020
October the 27th, 2020, Saturday night. We took 3 rainbow gel tabs. These are our favorite LSD we've gotten so far, lots of nice visuals, things go crisp and twinkley, everything tends to sparkle, it's just gorgeous. We figured it might be the last weekend we get a good chance to trip before my Dad and Sister come up here, even though we tripped last weekend too. So we wait until later in the night this time, it's 9:27 PM when we drop. I always try and look at the clock, because of how time f...
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by on December 17, 2020
7-11-2020 The husband and I took acid Saturday night, the 11th. We dropped about 8:50 pm. I had been spotting all day, like going to start my period soon, but it was light enough that I figured it would wait until the next day, I could trip in peace without worrying about pads or tampons or anything. We got new acid, like a new batch, we had not tried this one yet. At first we talked about taking a shit ton, like a 10 strip, and just being GONE, but after much discussion we decided to err o...
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by on December 9, 2020
I’d like to start by saying that this trip happened a little over 161 days ago. My trip report was originally posted to Reddit, mainly as a way to recollect my thoughts and put everything in chronological order. Subsequently, I seek to help any first timers learn from my mistakes and to perhaps be provided some helpful insight from those so inclined. I figured as a new member of this community, I would put in my 2¢ and make a first post!! Scroll to the bottom for TL;DR!! I’m still trying to pu...
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by on December 8, 2020
6-12 hours to come down on 60mg of methallylescaline? My pasty, mudblooded, unsunshine-kissed-anti-tanned ASSCHEEKS! For those curious, methallylescaline is an analogue of Mescaline. Howdy ya'll, it's literally day #3 and here the fuck I am- coming and going in astounding waves of comforting and tender strangeness just like when I actually ingested my dose 3 fuckin' days ago. This includes the same: scynewaive visuals, tingling (scanning sensation), mild chills, heat in my chest (heart spe...
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by on December 7, 2020
So, This was my 4th trip on tabs ever. I decided to trip alone because im usually level-headed and very open minded. So, i figured whatever demons I’d see, I better fight em off good ! Lol I like living on edge so I decided to take it on a sunday, a day before work, and enjoy myself. I dropped off early in the evening so that way I could go to bed early and get up early. Whooaahh, sorry .. lol just had a mini trip just then lol. Im still trippy a little but its not bad lol, colors are still movi...
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