by on March 20, 2021
Welcome to my most awful trip ever lovely Dmt Community,
So yesterday (16/03/21) I made the craziest experience of my life with LSD.
I have taken LSD several times before and never had such an awful experience before. Normally I would say there is no "bad trip", only challenging ones, but this on was a dozzy.
I'm 100% sure it was my own fault, that it came to this point. I wasn't prepared for this one at all, it was a dark day and my fiancé and me were tripping inside, we took 250 ug (moderat Dose for us, nothing special). The come up was pretty normal, some nausea, some light headache and good vibes due to good Musik and a lot of dog cuddles :)
After it kicked in we started with some yoga and I started to feel different, I couldn't get into the flow, which normally is easy on psychedelica. My breath started to get really shallow und the nausea became worse. My brain waves became uncontrollable, the vibe began to crack, because I started to hate the music and I couldn't find some better one. I lost the connection to my fiancé, normally she is one of my constant in my life. I couldn't talk to her, our brain waves must have been on a totally different level, even we took the same substance and amount. Usually we know how to get the vibe up again, so we started to change the setting into our cozy bedroom. Now the real Horror began. The naseau became worse, but I couldn't puke at all. My fiance told me it will be better afterwards and from my point of view I also made this experience, but for some reason I couldn't. We turned on the TV, because music was not sustainable and silence as well. My whole body was fighting against the LSD, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, I also got a leg desease which become worse on serotonin system regulating drugs. To this point it was some kind of sustainable, but then my body felt like I was moulding/roting from inside. My teeth started to hurt and I began to see moths around me. My blood felt like it got contaminated with streptococcus or something like that. After I went to the bathroom I looked into the mirror and my face was full of pimples and moths all over my face, I though I will die here. I went back to the bedroom. As I walked in some kind of veil came over me and I couldn't breath and talk anymore, my eyes hurts and I was crying. I fiancé was completely shook and didn't know what to do. I layed down and told her that I am molding from inside and will die in a couple minutes. She was about to call 110, but then realized there has been no death due to LSD consumption. So she realized I was going crazy and told me. In this moment the psychosomatic symptoms went off and my heart stated to beat normally. The rest of the trip was very confusing for me and I will definetly take a big break from psychedelica. I don't want to get crazy. Even the trip before, there were some signs, where I started to feel mouldy inside. I should have listened. My bad I didn't made any intentions for this trip and also had no activities to do. I feel so guilty for disrespecting the power of this beautiful substance. I guess I deserved it. Anyway I'm sorry for my bad English and hope u guys can tell me if u had similar experience from LSD or shrooms or whatever. This was pretty confusing for me and I feared I will get a psychosis from the trip or even something worse.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day, u are amazing :)
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: lsd, horror, badtrip
5 people like this.
Are you SURE it was LSD? Some folks are selling other things and saying they are LSD. NBOME is one. I think there is a reagent test you can order to check to see of its actually LSD. I’m sorry this happened to you. Maybe next time just do one after you test it... be safe!
Like March 20, 2021
I'm 100% sure it was LSD. My provider is safe, I ordered this stuff like 10 times before and also my fiance was alright. It was all in my head. The circumstances were not right and I shouldn't have taken the LSD on this day. Anyway, thanks for the tipp 1f642.png Safe travels!
Like March 23, 2021