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Male. Lives in Yak sha mesh’, Kazakhstan.
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I like all the colors of the rainbow, blue is my favorite, but don’t tell the other colors..
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I’m creepy... or so im told... by someone......and then i had a conversation with a former police Officer on This platform...
And I’m creepy?
I’m getting too old for this shit.....
1 person likes this.
live freely without all the bullshit while everyone else is enslaved to others opinons etc YEZZIR
Like April 12, 2021
Heh I was the crazy one even as a kid.
Like April 13, 2021
Buffalo has the right idea
Like April 13, 2021
agreed. I could care less of what close minded people think.
Like April 13, 2021
shared a few photos
Ummmm, uhhhhhh, now what? It seems like these are Amanita muscaria... they seem to be growing around. Uhhhhhh
23 people like this.
Very Cool
Like January 13, 2021
They are. I have a bunch that grow around my summer cabin. I've never consumed any. I plan to give them a try next fall. There are YouTube videos that tell you how to prepare without them making you sick. Good luck!
Like January 13, 2021
That lit bro
Like January 13, 2021
CallMeGhost are the effects at all like cubensis? I've heard muscimol produces more of an alchohol like effect?
Like January 14, 2021
Anyone else ever have DMT journeys where everything had a demonic vibe? That was interesting... thoughts? Help? Yikes! Whew....??????????
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What do i do about my inner demons? I’d rather not see that? I’m gonna try again. That was fucking wierd man....
Like October 31, 2020
Thank you for sharing! Anyone else have similar experiences? I usually have inner peace. My grandma gave me the Jesus died for your sins speech when i was like 9-10. She said that if you lie you’re going to hell . And i was already smoking weed with my older brothers and sister and it was a secr... View More
Like October 31, 2020
I was drinking vodka too. Maybe not the best idea. I prolly shouldn’t drink at all....
Like October 31, 2020
I dont know if its possible to fully excercise ones demons. Mine are still with me, just de-clawed
Like October 31, 2020
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