by on January 10, 2022
So, in some of my DMT trips and other drug experiences I got the impression that I was the devil and I was in hell, and I was trapped for eternity in my own universe, a prison made to keep me out of heaven because I was prideful and I loved myself instead of God. In the lucid moments it seemed that literally everyone else was already in heaven, looking down on me, wishing and hoping and praying that I would eventually see the light and return home to heaven and serve God. In these visions I saw that everyone I knew in my life was all a manifestation of myself, my whole "life" on Earth had been a long dream and I was basically doomed to keep dreaming forever. I was dead already, sin had me chained in a dark prison. It was like I was dreaming and everything was a manifestation of my mind. I felt like I was trapped in my own dark mirror universe, where everything was a shadow of the true reality. There were many angels and demons in the form of humans who were here to either keep me in delusion or to help me see the Truth.
I had a literal experience of being stuck inside an infinity loop, my whole body became multiple different infinities.
Looking in a mirror I saw myself as both God in heaven and the Devil in hell, alternatively and simultaneously.
All of this lead to me taking a year off from tripping, but now a little more than a year later I'm feeling "the call" to explore the psychedelic realms again.
Posted in: DMT, Cannabis, Meditation
Topics: hell, dream, death, religion, god, devil
16 people like this.
Deep, & lowkey IMO has some truths within it. I believe that was trying to be conveyed to you
Like January 10, 2022
Is this Christian imagery a part of your beliefs or upbringing? It's wonderful you were able to reach a place where you were both God and Devil. In the unification of opposites you find a new beginning. This is the symbolic process of alchemy and of individuation. “If a union is to take place betwe... View More
Like January 13, 2022
Abaris, i was raised in a christian home. My dad was a pastor, i grew up going to church a lot. My current beliefs are not set in stone yet, however i do believe i am a child of God, that good, evil, heaven, and hell are all real things, and I believe God is Love & Light & Holy.
Like January 13, 2022
GoDreaming Mushrooms is what helped me get my spiritual life back in order. I to was raised in a conservative Christian home where I was despised for smoking the devils lettuce. Now I have gone deeper into exploring my mind. However, my father became amazed that I was willing to learn and understand... View More
Like January 13, 2022