Psychonauten Deutschlands - Psychonauts of Germany
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Neuroscience study indicates that LSD “frees” brain activity from anatomical constraints - The psychedelic state induced by LSD appears to weaken the association between anatomical brain structure and... View More
13 people like this.
Your flush beats my hand for sure. Nice job
Like February 5, 2021
I want to trip one more time before I die. LSD isn't easy for me to get anymore. Are any unscheduled psychedelic drugs that I can order online that are worth while?
5 people like this.
Make sure you research the crap out of anything you plan to take. Even natural things like nutmeg can seriously harm your body.
Like February 5, 2021
Agreed. That is why I suggested researching nutmeg.... not taking it. Always be safe and do your homework.
Like February 5, 2021
Idk about nutmeg ive herd it last like 2 days causes dehydration and iregular heart beat. Id assume OP is a bit older by "id like to trip one last time before i die"
Like February 5, 2021
This could cause severe stress and damage to the body especially if the body is already weakened. Idk tho ive never tried it. Ive had some around just never found the time. Btw if anyone uses nutmeg and is looking for a easy way to get it down its Yogurt put the stuff in yogurt.
Like February 5, 2021
So, taking psychedelics by yourself seems to have the potential for inducing either paranoia (since you have a certain belief, notice the positive evidence that reinforces that belief rather than the ... View More
14 people like this.
Thats a thing of beauty!
Like January 31, 2021
Ive only tripped alone. Ive had what i would call 2 bad trips. One a negative person came to me, the other was complete solitude
Like February 1, 2021
Flibidy hibbidy guy look like someone just mastered the art ... freinds ladies and gents .. please just take one ... just one only ... or like a bookay of flowers after u get married !
Like February 1, 2021
Damn! Killing it!
Like February 1, 2021
what are some things you guys recommend to do while tripping?
8 people like this.
Spend the first couple of hours running around naked and the rest of the trip laughing at the police gnomes funny hats lol
Like January 23, 2021
5 Dried grams in quiet darkness alone
Like January 23, 2021
Best mushroom trips for me have all been in nature. Tripping at live concerts is also a regular occurrence for me. Although i go the L route over mushies alot at live shows. Both enjoyable thou. Finally, if you dont have a nature setting w great weather or live music, then a couch tour w live music ... View More
Like February 5, 2021 Edited
Pink Floyd dark side of the moon. Flow toys. Star gazing. Anything climactic or awe inducing. Bethel/ hillsong music.
Like February 5, 2021 Edited
oz jar full and counting from first flush. Harvesting the rest of the first flush tomorrow and dehydrating them. So excited to keep going. Tried my first cloning in a SAB. I definitely need to get a l... View More
4 people like this.
You have just put a big smile across my face, The first time is the best but it a feeling that never gets old, well done congrats on your first grow
Like January 23, 2021
Heard Some of Y’all Weirdos Are Into Gill Porn..
17 people like this.
Capitano Sours
Ooooo risqué
Like January 22, 2021
Ooh yeesssss! Thanks
Like January 22, 2021
Great! Now i have to go change my undies..1f609.png
Like January 23, 2021
Gets my motor running!
Like January 23, 2021
Imagine thinking you don't matter when you are everything
28 people like this.
This makes me so happy.....
Like January 22, 2021
Nice! My first flush evwr looled like that, then squat.
Like January 22, 2021
Haha that's a good one
Like January 22, 2021
Like January 22, 2021
You know, I've had my share of "enlightenment" on psychedelics , but the daily grind is real whether "really" it's all fine behind the curtain.
The illusion is strong and I can't be above it even if I ... View More

3 people like this.
Geez i was gonna blab about agar or something then i saw your next post,,,, which made me happy by itself, not because i was winning, but someone like me was smiling warm like sunshine on your face...
Like January 22, 2021
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