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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Any OGs left? Haven't been on in awhile. Lots of new people.
15 people like this.
I suggested a banner post that stays at the top of the feed just to give people a heads up.
Like August 20, 2023
Yeah I have no clue about the ban glitch you guys are talking about....
Like August 20, 2023
It is just a glitch some users, including, me experience. When the website loads/refreshes I sometimes get a message that I have been banned. If I close the site and close the browser I can typically try again and get logged in. When it first started happening to me it was like every other time I us... View More
Like August 20, 2023
Ok, I haven't experienced that yet. I was trying to login on the wrong site at one point. For whatever reason I couldn't find the login tab on the dmtworld.net home page so I just typed /login or /signin (I don't remember which now) and it pulled up something with WP in the address... I figure it's ... View More
Like August 20, 2023
Good morning everyone. Hope all is well. I'm about to do my first round of Ketamine therapy today and was wondering, Does anyone have any experience with this drug?This is my first time doing anything... View More
3 people like this.
Did you use it for backpain or depression?
Like January 7, 2023
I use for mirgrain when they are extreme
Like January 7, 2023
I used it for depression, but definitely helped with with some of my chronic pain issues.
Like January 7, 2023
Im using it for depression as well. I fainted when they shoved the needle in my outer wrist. Smfh it freaked me out!I've had an IV on my hand before but never the wrist!Long story, short the after effects could best be described as a state of mental clarity in my opinion. Just gotta bypass the fuck... View More
Like January 8, 2023
Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas everyone.
10 people like this.
Merry Christmas
Like December 25, 2022
Hope all is well DMTW Fam .So I recently booked an appointment with my local nursery to pick up some cannabis clones and was wondering if anyone had any tips to share since it would be my first outdoo... View More
4 people like this.
best tips I can give is take your ph levels seriously or you will have unhappy plants get into plant health get into deficiencies and natural plant fertilizers
Like August 15, 2022
Joey Green
1st thing I would personally do is this ...... Isolate those clones and treat them for mites even if you see none. It will only get harder to do the bigger they get, so your window for easy propholactic treatment is when they are small ...... personally, I'm a big proponent of only using organic me... View More
Like August 15, 2022
My trip sitter and loyal friend.
24 people like this.
Good to see you back brother. My baby girl Luna is also my best friend. I go everywhere with her.
Like August 13, 2022
@ Icculus not a Mickey. It's called Moon Juice by San Tan Brewery. Nothing but love folks thanks for the comments.
Like August 15, 2022
Love seeing the pooch brothaman. Sadly just lost my sweet sweet Cleo. Still feel the void in my heart. I've never had a dog before her so man does it hit different coming home and her not wanting to go running around outside. Nights I couldn't sleep I could always fall asleep when Cleo would climb u... View More
Like August 16, 2022
Like August 17, 2022
It's that time again.
Do we still have a gun group? Its been awhile since I've been on.
1 person likes this.
Yes we do it's called Silence This!
Like June 10, 2022
shared a photo
It's been over a year but I think it's time to relearn what I once knew. #RespectTheMedicine#LifeIsTheTrip
13 people like this.
I'm getting the calling to brother. I just want to do a nice 1 time extraction and have a good amount for my personal use and development. I looked at Gordo teks low dose guide for first timers and it is pretty self explanatory along with extracting. Hopefully you get a good yield!
Like June 9, 2022
Hello world,hope all is well. It's been a while but was wondering if anyone had a cart recipe they could share. I have some used cannabis carts that I wanted to repurpose for THE MOLECULE . Thanks in ... View More
5 people like this.
Tbh I eyeball mine.
Like June 8, 2022
Guess people have thier own tolerance, for myself and a handful of friends 1:1 works. Horses for courses and such.
Like June 8, 2022
Wasn't quite breakthrough enough for me but mine was 3 GS to 2.5 mls and no matter how much u vaped or how long you held it never quite got you to that tipping point more like the ride starts and stops so I would definitely try maybe 5 GS to 2.5 would be plenty enough for one hit blast off
Like June 8, 2022
AYY Check your DMs bro! You gotta use your browser to check it on your phone, but hit me back dude
Like June 8, 2022
Anyone on here ever try that Pocket Options Broker app?
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