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Deleted your post. Feel free to DM me if you need any explanation beyond that it violates our terms of service.
2 people like this.
My bad, i dont remember the post though.
Like January 29, 2021
The Transcendent Stoner
Hey theresmile.gif
I seen you asking on my deems post about KSKB tek. Here ya go!
5 people like this.
Soooo... this is for DMT right? Forgive my newbness.
Like January 14, 2021
The Transcendent Stoner
That is correct lol
Like January 14, 2021
Stone, i picture u saying this in the chris farley tone. From Billy Madison. Hope u get the reference
Like January 15, 2021
The Transcendent Stoner
Omg parrish!! Im baked right now and that got me!! Thats hilarious XD!! Thank you for that.
Like January 15, 2021
So i did the lemon-tek (2.5 cube) with a few friends and two of us got sick (10 minutes after drinking) and felt very little. We went this route to ease that so what else could be done?
1 person likes this.
Yasye is no problem and i was perfect for 10 minutes then bam, mouth watering like a leaky faucet.
Like January 10, 2021
I chop mine up and mix in melted choclate then eat with a spoon like brownie batter
Like January 10, 2021
PsilyDuncan I agree 100%. Thats why i suggest holding your nose, as the smell can trigger that psychological reaction for placebo nausea.
Like January 11, 2021 Edited
I absolutely love the smell but hate the taste, peanut butter sandwiches works great for MY taste however we all have our own, I make a blue honey it works wonderfully, and I also put into capsules "000” size.
Like January 10, 2021
shared a few photos
Looking to have some boxes like these made, not knock offs but my own versions, any odeas as to where
This thing just dropped yesterday any ideas?
3 people like this.
When did you last water it? Looks ljke it can be over watered.
Like December 12, 2020
My guess would be watering too frequently.
Like December 12, 2020
Hard to tell from that picture - it lost osmotic pressure that is all that I can see - root damage (root rotten), parasites, temperature shock, infection, poisoning... can all be a source for that state. Stop watering keep the environment stable and protected from wind and wait.
Like December 12, 2020
A few things it could be so best to use process of elimination here to suss out what you're doing that can be done differently imho! First and foremost, it looks like you probably have a bunch of excess water sitting on the roots that simply can't be absorbed fast enough. Believe it or not, you can... View More
Like December 12, 2020
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