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I want to trip one more time before I die. LSD isn't easy for me to get anymore. Are any unscheduled psychedelic drugs that I can order online that are worth while?
5 people like this.
Make sure you research the crap out of anything you plan to take. Even natural things like nutmeg can seriously harm your body.
Like February 5, 2021
Agreed. That is why I suggested researching nutmeg.... not taking it. Always be safe and do your homework.
Like February 5, 2021
Idk about nutmeg ive herd it last like 2 days causes dehydration and iregular heart beat. Id assume OP is a bit older by "id like to trip one last time before i die"
Like February 5, 2021
This could cause severe stress and damage to the body especially if the body is already weakened. Idk tho ive never tried it. Ive had some around just never found the time. Btw if anyone uses nutmeg and is looking for a easy way to get it down its Yogurt put the stuff in yogurt.
Like February 5, 2021