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Psychedelics » DMT
DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
Matt Gon
Hows everyone been?
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Matt Gon
Im pretty decent myself. Havent been signed in for a while but seems the app is still going strong.
Like April 19, 2021
Pretty good. Got accepted by the school I applied for so about to move to Amsterdam hha. Also working on some new pieces which makes me happy. Wby?
Like April 19, 2021
Like April 20, 2021
Like April 20, 2021
Matt Gon
Took a break to read "dmt: the spirit molecule" before i took my 1st dose. I was suppose to take it like a week ago but chickened out last minute. At some points the book scared me away. At others it ... View More
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Animal Energy
I am in a constant back and forth between excitement and fear as I work up to my first time. When I read about DMT, the excitement grows. When I don't, and just think about it, the fear grows. You're not alone in this.
Like August 12, 2020
Go for it when your set and setting are good. Other than that, you will never be ready.
Like August 12, 2020
I felt the same way going into mine. I've explained dmt similar to how I explain virtual reality (I'm a big tech head and have my living room wired for it). You can read about how much fun and enlightening it can be and listen to all the first hand accounts you want, but you're never prepared for th... View More
Like August 12, 2020
Have a trip setter and ony take it if you have good vibes and your ready for it
Like August 12, 2020
Matt Gon
I think tonights the night that all the hard work i did with extraction comes to fruition
7 people like this.
Ohhhh goodie....magical night with the Spirit is always a favorite!
Like July 31, 2020
Give us the report 1f642.png
Like July 31, 2020
Matt Gon
Anyone else get sleep paralysis? One time i was stuck and i could hear Naruto playing on my t.v, i was hearing the episode and engliah but when i mustard up the strength to get out sleep, the episode ... View More
Matt Gon
Dmt tips for newbies.
Dont be impatient. Seriously it is probably the most important thing
Let that beautiful pie sit for a good 3 to 5 days before the 1st pull. You can do it after 2 hours but it is so... View More

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Matt Gon
In total about a gram from 100grams of bark but it could also mean you just had better bark than me. I was happy with the results for my 1st time. Plus gordo tek is so damn easy. I tried finding 8020 tek but it wouldnt come up is there another name for it?
Like July 25, 2020
I figured it out! Hooray!
Like July 25, 2020
Matt Gon
Silo dreams. You want about roughly 2 tablespoons of naphtha after letting evap for 30 minutes. Also when freezing absolutely do not disturb the process, let it sit for 12 hours with no contact
Like July 25, 2020
Hay bud if u look in the pics on the dmt extraction group it should be there 1f642.png
Like July 25, 2020
Matt Gon
Where do yall think Psychedelics place in society will be 10 years from now? I hope the G-Men don't do the same thing as the 70s. We lost so many precious years of research because people where waking... View More
14 people like this.
Easier to control ppl in the 70's, we have the internet, power of info thatbgive reaults. There are so many people out there growing their own medicines. For anyone to stop would be so hard. We, this community and many others are agents of liberation. Help others to grow so we all know. Shit im eve... View More
Like July 23, 2020
Joey Green
FennecFox .... I agree strongly with most of your thoughts put to words ... but your last sentence is beyond accurate and extraordinarily profound. No matter what manifestation the future holds for psychedelics.... Its a pretty safe bet to assume that the driving force will be profit prioritized by... View More
Like July 23, 2020
Let's get drunk, watch TV, post the most interesting shit that's on your not-even-yours-mind on Facebook, use your monkey-speaking-skills to throw shit at each other on Twitter, spend one third of your life in a job you didn't choose and you don't like. Yes, you know you are so special. One day they... View More
Like July 23, 2020
@daggk your so right, all that shit is poison. Sad thing is why, steal our money. Ever think what is the BIG motive? All i can come up with is...at the population the planet is we need slaves. 9 to 5 robots to make shit or do shit for a check. When i was in high school (1990s yeah im old as balls bu... View More
Like July 24, 2020
Matt Gon
I really love this app for what it is. Things ive learned on here have changed my life.
18 people like this.
Good, that makes me very happy to hear this.
Like July 22, 2020
Matt Gon
Just be here now. Appreciate today for what it is, beautiful.
Matt Gon
Is prime bark not up and running now?
2 people like this.
yeah hopefully they didnt get in any trouble
Like July 18, 2020
Matt Gon
Yeah they seem like they got there thibgs in order. I just hope theyre alright.
Like July 18, 2020
Prime Bark
We are down momentarily and are working on security, our first concern is safety for everyone involved
Like July 19, 2020
Prime Bark
One love
Like July 19, 2020
Matt Gon
Came out a yellowish but kinda of white color
8 people like this.
sodium hydroxide,nafta. Warm water,turn every hour,24 h freezer, 5h on window. Please from the bottom of my heart,teach me th Right Way. I affort buying Mimosa only 1 a month. !!!Thx!!!
Like July 18, 2020
Matt Gon
i followed gordo tek to a T and it came out perfect. Its on youtube
Like July 18, 2020
Matt Gon I did not do the evap test. I used the 80/20 tek. The DMT was good but disappointed with yield so I'm trying fennec next
Like July 19, 2020
is there a video link to the instructions you followed? i really messed up mine somehow
Like July 19, 2020
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