So I inoculated 4 jars almost 3 weeks ago...only 1 has mycelium its looks great.... the other 3...NOTHING. Anyone ever try inoculation 3 weeks later?? Can it work? At this point what's to lose?
I made some prints like 2 or 3 years ago they've been inside a Tupperware container in a closet down in my basement. Think these would still be viable or should I just start over? Thanks
3 weeks ago i smoked about 70mg of dmt. I didnt go to outer space or meet entities but what happened is i went into this moaning episode and gasping for air like i was dying and i couldn't control it.... View More3 weeks ago i smoked about 70mg of dmt. I didnt go to outer space or meet entities but what happened is i went into this moaning episode and gasping for air like i was dying and i couldn't control it. Ever since that night ive had this weird feeling that's hard to explain...kind of like when i look around and talk to other people i feel like it's all fake...i think it rewired my brain circuitry somehow. Im too scared to mess with it for awhile.
Got this new dab atomizer for my modbox...its kinda homely but the ceramic chamber looks promising for a good amount of spice. It has 2 quartz rods wrapped in titanium coils. I figured I'll pulse it a... View MoreGot this new dab atomizer for my modbox...its kinda homely but the ceramic chamber looks promising for a good amount of spice. It has 2 quartz rods wrapped in titanium coils. I figured I'll pulse it a time or two to melt the crystals add a drop or so of vape juice to help make it more palatable then hopefully blast off like the space shuttle challenger!
How do you weigh your dose in milligrams?
I have two digital scales and neither one has a milligram option.
What's the best device to vaporize spice in? I finally got some alone time today and tried vaporizing it in this stupid lightbulb thing I made and it burnt the crap out of my throat and totally ruine... View MoreWhat's the best device to vaporize spice in? I finally got some alone time today and tried vaporizing it in this stupid lightbulb thing I made and it burnt the crap out of my throat and totally ruined the experience not to mention leaving a horrible taste in my mouth. I'm about to drop the money for a gvg but was curious if there's anything out there that others are using that is cheaper and/or just as effective. Thanks
My first batch of N,N-DimethyltryptamineUsed GordoTekI made a lightbulb vaporizer...1st puff i could feel it almost immediately... 2nd toke got me going...i even forgot how to use a lighter! I was hol... View MoreMy first batch of N,N-DimethyltryptamineUsed GordoTekI made a lightbulb vaporizer...1st puff i could feel it almost immediately... 2nd toke got me going...i even forgot how to use a lighter! I was holding it in my hand thinking wtf is this thing?! The 3rd hit really blew my hair back...i laid down and closed my eyes. I saw all kinds of weird colors and shapes rotating and plain as day i watched soap suds run down a window until it cleared and soon as it cleared i was back to normal. Very weird. I need to make a bigger vaporizer so i can really blast off.
I take a very small dose of Zoloft every day, 50mg. I heard that shrooms won't have an effect is this true? I have a few days off and plan on eating a couple grams tomorrow night. I can't just stop t... View MoreI take a very small dose of Zoloft every day, 50mg. I heard that shrooms won't have an effect is this true? I have a few days off and plan on eating a couple grams tomorrow night. I can't just stop taking these stupid pills because I get nasty brain zaps.
How do i stop receiving email notifications from dmt world? I've turned them all off in the settings but my Yahoo inbox is full and my phone is constantly giving alerts and vibrating. Its driving me c... View MoreHow do i stop receiving email notifications from dmt world? I've turned them all off in the settings but my Yahoo inbox is full and my phone is constantly giving alerts and vibrating. Its driving me crazy
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