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I take a very small dose of Zoloft every day, 50mg. I heard that shrooms won't have an effect is this true? I have a few days off and plan on eating a couple grams tomorrow night. I can't just stop t... View More
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Ben Stein
Its possible the affects will be less but i cant say for certain. I would recomend tapering off the zoloft 50 mg tho shouldnt take long take like 25 a day for a week or so then 12.5 for a week then none
Like September 20, 2019
Psilocybin will still have an effect but can be altered by SSRI’s. SSRI’s like zoloft inhibit the neurons reuptake of serotonin and psilocybin also works on the serotonergic system which can lead to an overstimulation of serotonin, in rare cases thia can lead to serotonin syndrome. Although i dosed ... View More
Like September 21, 2019
I dosed 2g of B+ this morning when I got home from work. I made shroom tea. It didn't hit as quickly as people say tea does it took about 45 minutes to an hour. I felt euphoric, walking felt weird like my legs were longer than normal. I was very tired from working midnight shift so i laid down and ... View More
Like September 22, 2019
Juliet Delta
I just got off SSRIs. I found it to lessen the effects of psilocybin but not by much. The higher the dose i took the more the effect was lessened if that makes sense. I didnt notice any difference with a microdose but when i would eat 5 grams the experience was quite a bit less meaningful and magica... View More
Like September 22, 2019