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Male. Lives in United States. Is married.
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Status Update

3 weeks ago i smoked about 70mg of dmt. I didnt go to outer space or meet entities but what happened is i went into this moaning episode and gasping for air like i was dying and i couldn't control it.... View More
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Experiences take as much time as they need to integrate
Like November 11, 2019
The one time I tried 5meodmt this is what it felt like to me, like I was drowning or something, was not fun or cool
Like November 11, 2019
I have kinda had that (sorta diffrent sorta the same) and I truly feel that it gives you what you need when you need it and does not always care if you know it or not. I am sure were ready for it though and will figue it out and will even be thankful.
Like November 11, 2019
Yes Vic it was real i extracted it myself...it's almost like i understood that everything around me is an illusion...after the 2nd hit i was getting extremely vivid geometric patterns and i realized its a frequency switch...there's this reality we all live in and on the other side of the geometry (d... View More
Like November 12, 2019 Edited