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Today im thankful for being alive and healthy, living in a beautiful country/province with so many beautiful people.
Im grateful for all the beautiful fall colors that puts a smile on my face everytim... View More

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Everyday i wake up and breathe, i dont have it all but thats alright with me! 1f642.png Im grateful i woke up again today. Fresh air. Nature. Family. All you lovely souls. The fact that i found a way out of a living hell, called Addiction. Im greatful that i can be greatful today. Loveee this post of yours! ... View More
Like October 17, 2019
Right on mike it is so important to recognize how fortunate we are. Love and light
Like October 17, 2019
I’m thankful for my family and the strength to keep going.
Like October 18, 2019
shared a few photos
Hey everyone, i am new to this group and I couldn't be more happy to be connected to like minded beautiful people like you all???? here is what i have been doing for the past couple of days. Love and ... View More
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Thanks guys it was my first time growing. As for strains i actually dont know what they are, long story lol but i know there is a few white widows in there and im thinking the purple is purple kush:/ but not too sure. Ill be naming them myself after trying them each. That will be a fun week.
Like October 12, 2019
Youve done hella job for your first grow! Well done Sister
Like October 12, 2019
Thanks dabwood. Also impressed by how they turned out. I grew them outside all summer. Never thought they would be this good growing outside.
Like October 12, 2019
Windswept Eyes
Like October 12, 2019
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