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Male. Lives in New Hampshire, United States. Born on February 28, 1997. Is single.
About Me
You have 3 eyes. 2 to look, but only 1 to see!
Psychedelic Savage. Light worker. Philanthropist.
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Natural DMT in the Body: Theories on Endogenous DMT
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What's the quickest, highest yeilding Tek to synthesis DMT?!
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Animal Energy
Soph2020 well that sounds anything but efficient, so i'm not pro-that haha. But for example if someone is asking me about something I took a while to study and learn, and i have the time/interest in sharing, I'm good with that and won't fault them for asking rather than self-teaching
Like November 8, 2019
Animal Energy
@victor born in 85 and have always thought of myself as a millenial - on the older end but still think most people my age are generally considered millenials
Like November 8, 2019
Animal Energy
i mean @victor look it up! 1f642.png
Like November 8, 2019 Edited
I can control your mental with my finger on my temple and tell you the deepest darkest secrets that your god wont tell you.. #FlatbushZombies #ElectricKoolAid #StayTrippy
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Shrooms shrooms, Lsd, mescaline, alotta weed, molly, and that dmt. #DrugParade #FBZ
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Hello 1f642.png Enjoy the parade
Like October 23, 2019 Edited
Since 6th grade ive been the biggest burn out in my school/ hometown.. before all the kids even smoked pot i was labeled the pot head untill high school i was always rejected and made fun of for it. T... View More
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T rex ophora
Sendin u tons of love. Thanks for sharing! I hope the little bit o weed is successful. I too have up dangerous addictions and had to go off pot for a while just to reset. Im back to weed though. I can use it and not wish for something else. I know others that cant and i respect there path but you g... View More
Like October 21, 2019
Juliet Delta
Man your story is my story almost scarily so. Only difference is my dark path was cocaine
Like October 21, 2019
https://youtu.be/TC-1xCACzDc. Damn this song hits home like never before.. sad truth. One of the darkest vibes ive ever felt from a single song..
https://youtu.be/JUTgPOUdcLE. Have you seen this one yet?! If not, must watch it... Tune in, turn on... Evolve!!!
Although today has been another good day & blessed to be alive, i feel so very alone. Reached out to several people with no response. its okay tho, the world dosent revolve around me and i hope they a... View More
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F L Y. T O D A Y 1f61b.png I. W I L L. M E E T. Y O U. A T. T H E. A I R P O R T! 1f642.png (It only takes about 18 hours to get here)
Like October 19, 2019
Got family here. Stay sane
Like October 20, 2019
Good music is the best to enhance your mood.
Like October 20, 2019
Nick Kavon
All is well. Though you might feel alone, sit in the comfort of quietness and it will speak to you. Much love to you.
Like October 20, 2019
https://youtu.be/u2uQxPAghEo. Going trippy trippy. Have you gone trippy trippy? Cuz im going trippy. Said i have gone, and never come back... Feel it in my veins, feel it in my soul, feel it in my mi... View More
Louie frames hide my blood shot eyes, my disguise from this world outside. Vivid discriptons paint a picture for the blind. Got me oy syrup sippin shit, slowin downnn. hidden from the shine, on my tri... View More
I, should have die already. Came in i was high already. Everybody trippin that my mind aint steady, for my sins i should have been crusified already! Yaaah, why the fuck you need me? Dont you know how... View More
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