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Female. Lives in Somewhere cold but also cool.
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Live for the arts, the ink, the intertwined universe I craft as days pass on this raft.
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When you find forgotten LC seringes in the back of the fridge and go wipppeeeee
My genetics are struggling, i feel like ive stretched my LC for tooooo long sad.gif
Its super hard to get reliable spores or LC seryinges in Canada, to study.... anyone help? Recommendation? Take me on as a ... View More

5 people like this.
might be able to help
Like April 30, 2020
I second look at her syringe add a n marketplace, her email is in the comments. Send her an email.
Like April 30, 2020
Juliet Delta
http://www.sporelab.com/index.php I got from these guys years ago when i first started. Havent needed to get anymore since then
Like April 30, 2020
That’s an old ass website.
Like April 30, 2020
« Love is the vaccine »
Overheard in the mush-room spaceship
I havent gone on those amazing colorfull journeys ive grown to love, for at least a month. Ive lost batch after batch of GTs and all that is left was two mini petri dishes.
Cross my fingers I was not ... View More

‘Apparently The Grand Delete of Humanity as I called it 5 months ago is actually happening. The Mush-room I sit in during my journeys had a bizzarre way of giving me exactly what I said was fucked dow... View More
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If your trippin right now, then we have alot in common
Like April 16, 2020
It is as it always will be my friend.
Like April 16, 2020
The Mushroom Man
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Very insightful
Like May 1, 2020
Coming to my home town next weeekend smile.gif
3 people like this.
Saw it a few weeks ago. It was great. Got to meet Trevor Millar too at a gathering afterwards. Hope you have a great time.
Like January 27, 2020
Mad trips. Am I moving forth towards this immense source of wonder and love or not. I somewhat transform in a mystical and mean scorpionic woman that destroys what has been hindering my growth. During... View More
9 people like this.
Doing the courageous work! That role play sounds like an episode from Rick and Morty!
Like January 23, 2020
Oufff more like The Femme Punisher
Like January 23, 2020
Never expect anything other then its starting
Like January 23, 2020
Your doing the hard work youll get to that happy trip one day i have all the faith
Like January 23, 2020
Last trip, I mixed some mexicanas I've grown and some GT I bought from this online shop. I'm always looking forward to compare strains and understand potency, but... this was WEIRD AS FUCK. The visual... View More
12 people like this.
Thats exactly what it felt like.. An antennae of sorts.
Like December 24, 2019
Ur body may have been prodding u to work through energy blockages. fairly typical of what I gather. these kinds of movements feel better than just trying to lie still with all the insane intensity happening in those times having an effect like grounding on the nerve endings...
Like December 26, 2019 Edited
oh and pardon my sounding off here . i was following threads and came across this and felt moved to offer whatever clarity I could. after so many uncomfortable experiences, trusting ur intuition (gut) and doing what feels right to u would be sound wisdom..
Like December 27, 2019 Edited
@strh lol that was one hell of a trip. Can u give me names of good online shops.
Like December 27, 2019
Its winter here. Im fucking off to the tropics. I wanna trip out in front of the ocean. Only question is this worth the customs dogs sniffing my shroomy luggage ?!?
5 people like this.
dry, powder, and cap your mushies. Put caps into a valerian root (or other powdered supplement) bottle that you've emptied. From my research, they dont sniff for mushies. My friend snuck MDMA this way and LSD in a book from US to Europe and then all around Europe on trains.
Like January 23, 2020
Ohh I'm too late LOL
Like January 23, 2020
That’s exactly what i was going to suggest Luke
Like January 23, 2020
Broward county was the home turf of my Nemesis is 1986. Some fuckshit place wasent it back then.
Like January 26, 2020
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