Life’s a trip,so I trip harder
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Psychology and Philosophy
Lol I fucked up, first of all I was very inconsistent with maintaining and keeping notes of the progress of my plant, Secondly I transplant it way too late in the flowering stage my plan is dwarfed l... View More
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At least you know where you went wrong, fingers crossed the next one is a monster!
January 22, 2020
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I would not recommend topping a plant that is this late in flowering my guy,i’d rather let the plants energy go towards fattening up the buds. When the plant is in its vegetative stage is when u wanna create many different bud sites by topping or low stress training, but to each it’s own.Thank you f... View More
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I just want to start off by saying I have a high tolerance when it comes to psychedelics. one day me and three of my good friends decided to drop acid, we grabbed 1 tab apiece. 45 minutes later my friends were laughing hysterically and having a great time,on the other hand I was still sober as a soldier in boot camp. At first I thought " these tabs are fake and my friends are going through the placebo effect" until I looked in the mirror and saw my pupils were huge. Long story short, I never felt the first one so I dropped 2 more. My friends thought I was crazy lol. But enough about lsd Iam here to talk about my mushroom trip. Usually I eat 3.5 to 6.5Gs of golden-teachers on a fasted stomach. Normally my trips aren't that intense..... Until I learned about lemon Tek ☺️. So basically instead of just eating the mushrooms, u grind them into a power and let the power sit in the lemon juice for 20 minutes. From my understanding the acid from lemon juice helps break down the psilocybin and makes the mushrooms psychoactive before your stomach acids does. Please correct me if Iam wrong. Anyways I think it really does work, when ever I use lemon I feel as tho the mushrooms hurt my stomach less, the trip intensity increases and comes a little stronger.
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