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me and my gf are going to a musical festival we want to try molly for the first time but dont think its really ideal to do it there?? or was just going to eat 2.5g of shrooms. cant decide, any opinion... View More
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Do them all and have a wicked time! :p But seriously MDMA is awesome at festivals.
Like September 27, 2019
I used to love eating ectasy at music festivals. I guess it all depends on what kind of music festival.
Like September 27, 2019
thank you for this
Like September 28, 2019
would dropping acid during a stressful time be a complete waste or give a new pecpective of the situation??? what are yall ideas? x <3>
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When I am stressed and start questioning if I should drop, I do it. The reason is because I have learned that LSD helps me work out the things that are stressing me out. I feel it gives me the ability to look at whats happening to me stress wise from different perspectives .......through tears, laug... View More
Like September 6, 2019
thank you for this
Like September 6, 2019
You are most welcome.
Like September 6, 2019
just joined this network, very intriguing. ???????????? im planning to drop acid with molly. any tips?
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would that still be candy flipping if i do it that spaced out?
Like August 30, 2019
Welcome friend! Glad you're here!
Like August 30, 2019
And yes it will still be concidered candy flipping, have fun!!
Like August 30, 2019
Welcome and enjoy...make sure you play good music...
Like August 30, 2019
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