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Female. Lives in United States. Born on September 20, 1987. Is in a relationship.
About Me
Hai! Name is Lauren, an open book. Music, animal, and nature lover. Love bon fires, camping and Expe... View More
What is a manifestation/wish of yours, you focus on steadily ? smile.gif your big ones.....
7 people like this.
Bruce Lee’s 7 life affirmations help me obtain whatever my wish is and become a better person as I succeed or fail in my attempts. It’s made me open myself up to being comfortable in my failed attempts and new possibilities I never knew I was capable of. They have truly changed my life
Like January 5, 2020
Oryx0184 i was "rearranging my books" today actually and thought to myself i need to reread this book "the four agreements" it is a fantastic read !
Like January 7, 2020 Edited
Like January 7, 2020
AllisOne i love that. I love when we embrace the lessons
Like January 7, 2020 Edited
B+ and GT they are so big and beautiful ????
17 people like this.
Thats a whole lot of fun and knowledge in that bag.
Like January 5, 2020 Edited
That should do a couple journeys!
Like February 4, 2020
My christmas eve. a wonderful introspective trip
17 people like this.
Haha yes there was a revelation if not a couple 1f642.png
Like December 27, 2019
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