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Male. Lives in New Hampshire, United States. Born on February 28, 1997. Is single.
About Me
You have 3 eyes. 2 to look, but only 1 to see!
Psychedelic Savage. Light worker. Philanthropist.
"In ... View More
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Status Update

Although today has been another good day & blessed to be alive, i feel so very alone. Reached out to several people with no response. its okay tho, the world dosent revolve around me and i hope they a... View More
6 people like this.
F L Y. T O D A Y 1f61b.png I. W I L L. M E E T. Y O U. A T. T H E. A I R P O R T! 1f642.png (It only takes about 18 hours to get here)
Like October 19, 2019
Got family here. Stay sane
Like October 20, 2019
Good music is the best to enhance your mood.
Like October 20, 2019
Nick Kavon
All is well. Though you might feel alone, sit in the comfort of quietness and it will speak to you. Much love to you.
Like October 20, 2019