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Male. Lives in New Hampshire, United States. Born on February 28, 1997. Is single.
About Me
You have 3 eyes. 2 to look, but only 1 to see!
Psychedelic Savage. Light worker. Philanthropist.
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Natural DMT in the Body: Theories on Endogenous DMT
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My brains fried, do nothing but chase highs, too fucked up to function do nothing but waist time!! La dat da da, what are you afraid of its just a little angel dust!? Please dont fuck with that, angel... View More
Trapped inside these dreams of mine, just tryna get some peace of mind.
Remember when you were young? You shun like the sun! Now theres a look in your eyes, like black holes in the skys. Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far! You reached for the secret too soon,... View More
So you think you can tell... Heaven from Hell? I reached for the secret too soon. Psychedelics turned into insanity for me. I was a lost soul. I crossed this line and never thought id come back. Some ... View More
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Took a break but 20 plus years, got a job Department of Transportation. Piss test all the time and all I could do is drink 52 years old and dying needed a liver transplant. Thank God I got one but was put on five different antidepressants antidepressants for the last 3 years. Sick of it sick of the ... View More
Like October 17, 2019
Not Cara Mike damn spell check
Like October 17, 2019
https://youtu.be/6F0WO9leG0k looking for a trippy video to watch? Check this out. Its dark so be careful. I use to get lost in this on lsd many moons ago. I recently watched it on shrooms and its a he... View More
Really starting to come to terms with my mushroom experience the other night. It was for my eyes only but i wish you could all tune into what i went through. It was beautiful to say the least. Even th... View More
Quick question; so with LSD its supposed to be something like 4 days waiting time for potency to go back up and 2 weeks for your mind. So what is it for shrooms?! As i plan on diving back into mushiel... View More
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I have so much to say after my experience with mushies last night... But i will keep this one short and to the point. It was very healing and humble. They were the cleanest Strongest shrooms ive ever ... View More
Quick question. Are these 2 different types of shrooms? Or just different stages at harvest time.. not the best pic i know, but if its that obvious to you please let me know!! Just a fraction of what ... View More
Its been a long long time, but here i am, back at it!! Just got home from work, sitting in bed with a shit load of good food next to me, some Trippy tunes on, and somewhere between 5-7 grams of shroom... View More
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Enjoy yourself and have a safe journey.
Like October 16, 2019
Neil Eastwood
Take em with a hit of that L you posted the other day. Go deep my brother!
Like October 16, 2019
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