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Male. Lives in New Hampshire, United States. Born on February 28, 1997. Is single.
About Me
You have 3 eyes. 2 to look, but only 1 to see!
Psychedelic Savage. Light worker. Philanthropist.
"In ... View More
Natural DMT in the Body: Theories on Endogenous DMT
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Status Update

So you think you can tell... Heaven from Hell? I reached for the secret too soon. Psychedelics turned into insanity for me. I was a lost soul. I crossed this line and never thought id come back. Some ... View More
4 people like this.
Took a break but 20 plus years, got a job Department of Transportation. Piss test all the time and all I could do is drink 52 years old and dying needed a liver transplant. Thank God I got one but was put on five different antidepressants antidepressants for the last 3 years. Sick of it sick of the ... View More
Like October 17, 2019
Not Cara Mike damn spell check
Like October 17, 2019