Shroomin 2.0
1712 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
Benjamin Gately
Anyone be ever be pull ne thing like thiss after like 5 runs...... I think it's just plant fats and oils I don't know smells like DMT I'm definitely contains DMT get you high like it but looks gross a... View More
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Danien Graham
i use this stuff in my vape juice, all the jungle juice & shit thst i scrape off
Like October 14, 2019
Benjamin Gately
Columbus day.......... Just another day off for my drug dealer SMH (usps)
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Ozric Starshine
Fuck columbus. Its indiginous peoples day
Like October 14, 2019
Benjamin Gately
I know this is DMT world but has anybody had any of the Doctor Seuss 2.0 El going around yet????????
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Benjamin Gately
Tiny lil Galaxy ✨????????️
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