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shared a few photos
The lights have been added, just awaiting the fogger and fan.
The tub of GT’s are almost ready!
shared a few photos
Here’s the new grow room. I still need to put lights in there and think about how I’m going to run humidity and add a fan. It’s a work in progress.
4 people like this.
Thanks Kevin, I will post more pics when i figure out how i want to do the rest.
Like September 19, 2019
I got presents in the mail yesterday that i didnt know arrived. Biggest surprise was they sent an extra three prints with my original order!
I was kind of curious after reading some posts from ALX8721 when he said he gets the yawns when he enjoys his harvest. I found that I yawn a lot when I’m on mushrooms and wondered if that is a common... View More
16 people like this.
This last post might make me very unpopular... 1f600.png But I don’t care, it’s an addiction; anyone is free to be addicted as I used to be and I would have told myself to shut up.. but I just tell people now... Tv is like sugar, consumarism, cocaine.. we are lab rats
Like August 16, 2019
i have to yawn on shrooms, 4-aco-dmt and nn-dmt (but only if taken with maoi), so i think it's common for tryptamines
Like August 16, 2019
Lots of animals yawn naturally when they get anxious. Dogs do it. These realms and landscapes are still new and can cause some apprehension.
Like September 6, 2019
The first yawn is classically the first signal the trip is about to begin.
Like September 6, 2019
Thank you for the support!
6 people like this.
Love this! Thank you for the support for this beautiful place.
Like August 7, 2019
I felt like the information that I am getting from all of you is easily worth the contribution.
Like August 7, 2019
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with using mushrooms to help with a chronic neurological illness, more specifically called Chiari Malformation. Any help or information... View More

2 people like this.
Does she have frequent black outs with the condition?
Like August 9, 2019
She will have those episodes if she stands up to fast which a lot of people do but she will sometimes lose her balance for no reason like she will be walking then fall to the side as if she was nudged and wasn’t ready for it.
Like August 9, 2019
I was wondering because my brother has random blackouts with his Chiari
Like August 9, 2019
I am wanting to macro-dose her with 1-2.5 grams to see if that will give her brain kind of a reset and then micro-dose her ever 4 days to hopefully get her brain to quit telling her muscles to tense up in her back giving her trigger points and back spasms.
Like August 9, 2019
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