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The story I swore I'd never share...
Net Negative:
It was a normal day in mid May of this year and I was feeling the urge to trip alone. I wanted to go deep and have an experience that I would reme... View More

12 people like this.
Wow! I'm glad you are okay, and glad you got the information. I'm sorry that you had to go through all that fear and pain, and then to feel shamed because everyone at that hospital, save ultrasound superhero bro, was asleep. That sucks, and that isn't how we should be treated when we are sincerely a... View More
Like September 14, 2019
To live is to risk it all. Thanks for sharing.
Like September 14, 2019
Like September 14, 2019
That story was Nuts!!!
Like September 14, 2019
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