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Male. Lives in Nashville, United States. Born on October 19, 1984. Is married.
About Me
Born in Birmingham, AL but currently reside in Nashville, TN. Love to travel and meet interesting pe... View More
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Can i create a group?
Anyone into numerology? If so, my special little number is 3. 33 in particular. 133 is common too. Ive reserached enough to understand some of its significance, but i want to know more
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I just stated looking into it. I watched a video on YouTube about Gematria and how numbers control everything or everything is controlled by numbers! I guess my number is 9, and from what I've read, it sounds about right. Who knows though, but it sure is interesting!
Like September 8, 2019
Marty Leeds has some interesting videos on that very subject. 9 is a cool number. Multiples of 3 seem to have a lot of significance, but i feel im thinking too small of course. Learning about sacred geometry as well. All connected i assume.
Like September 8, 2019
333 follows
Like September 8, 2019
Am i the only one who has met a bird like seraphem creature? Feminine dominant, but who knows. Felt some serious love. Anyone else?
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Spyorg Plaird Yppah
Infinite variations in the entities we can meet maybe you are the first to make contact
Like September 8, 2019
During my last vapehuasca (sublingual harmine and vaped DMT) trip my ceiling fan became a hummingbird/dragonfly-like being who was watching over me and offering me maternal guidance. She was beautiful and full of love ❤️
Like September 8, 2019 Edited
Any scifi fans in the house?
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Hi. New kid in town. Hailing from Nashvegas TN
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Making contact!
Like September 8, 2019
Welcome welcome!
Like September 8, 2019
Welcome friend! Glad you are here! You should totally check out the groups. There are some really cool ones, and there may even be a local meetup group near you. 1f609.png
Like September 8, 2019
The Transcendent Stoner
Welcome to the community! Its great to have you.
Like September 8, 2019
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