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Does anyone in the UK know where you can buy a colorado river toad from?
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Has anyone used kambo before?
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Im not exactly sure, ive never had to Apply it myself. However, the kambo sticks ive seen while using are in solid form, the guy applying it scraped it lightly with a scalpel and then just put it right in the skin after burning four holes in my arm. It doesnt take much, and it hits really quick. And... View More
Like July 17, 2021
Thank you 1f642.png I'll try that in the next week or two.
Like July 17, 2021
Be careful self admistering it. There is a reason kambo is usually done by a properly trained and certified practitioner. I've hosted numerous kambo ceremonies here and always have a IKPA certified person. They are trained in not just admistering the medicine but also pre ceremony preparation and po... View More
Like July 17, 2021
Thanks for your advice 1f642.png theres a course online and they teach you how to do it but tbh i thought youd be able to self adminster it just do a couple of dots then apply the kambo, I'll look more in to it now.
Like July 17, 2021
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Vine of the dead with the toad overlooking earth smile.gif
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The toad smile.gif
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The examples I have always seen it is flakey. Do you know how they got such big chunks?
Like April 8, 2021
I dont sorry, its a gift from my brother 1f642.png
Like April 8, 2021
I would assume the flakes are from the actual toad venom but the chunks in the image may be man made
Like April 8, 2021
You would have to have a shit load in a small container. When I scrape mine off glass the bigger globs do break off in bigger chunks. But still lots of flakys.
Like April 8, 2021
If you produce dmt at different altitudes does the lye react differently and produce a stronger product? Because a friend has tried some in the US and it seems alot stronger and cleaner stuff from Eur... View More
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Edward Scissorhands
Asking questions like those will land you a ban from here. It's easy to extract. Plenty of instructional information here and elsewhere.
Like March 28, 2021
Lucky charms
I see nothing wrong about the question it was a legit question and did not brake T.O.S.
Like March 29, 2021
Lucky charms, someone popped up asking if they know anyone who can source them dmt but theyve deleted the comment which is what scissorhands was responding to 1f642.png
Like March 29, 2021
Lucky charms
Aawwww i see
Like March 29, 2021
Has anyone smoked N-N and 5-meo at the same time before? If so whats it like?
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Last Name
i believe yellow freebase dmt have nn and 5 meo in it.. im still not smoked 5 meo alone but i do find yellow stuff is way stronger than white nn
Like April 8, 2021
Ive got 5meo but its just arrived so i need to try it then a week later im gonna mix them both, ive not noticed a difference between the yellow and white tbh mine tends to come out yellow if im reusing naptha but if its clean then it comes out yellow but i always extract the fats too
Like April 8, 2021
Last Name
does ur 5 meo is yellow? write a trip report pls after u tried it
Like April 8, 2021
I'll upload a picture for you
Like April 8, 2021
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Ive just noticed it glows in the dark too smile.gif
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I was about to go to bed and when i left my living room i noticed it glowing and was like wtf lol
Like December 2, 2020
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My friend made this for me smile.gif
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Elon Musk is one of us
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I still need to take mushrooms and look at this
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I have no idea tbh, i saw it on etsy and liked it, i bet the hologram one looks awesome
Like October 26, 2020
I dont have other social media lol i think they are toxic and trash
Like October 27, 2020
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