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Male. Lives in United States. 36 years old. Is married.
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Psychedelics » DMT
Has anyone smoked toad venom / 5meo while on mushrooms as well? I'm curious to try but not sure what to expect. Does it intensify the experience? Or decrease it compared to blasting off stone sober? I... View More
Aye aye Captain. Thanks for the tip.
Like April 3, 2021
Heck i feel so out of the loop as i can still see him
Like April 3, 2021
Skyehhigh just say "hi" and hell block you
Like April 3, 2021
I have to say. I cant see this fox post.. and i dont even know who he is. I have no one blocked.
Like April 3, 2021
Last weekend I drank some mushroom tea in the morning on an empty stomach. It made me super nauseous, but also hit me like a brick. I couldn't get out of bed, but I did listen to this album, which bro... View More
It is Wednesday, my dudes
Fishline and meat if u run out a crickets . Bery fun too .
Like February 18, 2021
Moxie hes not trying to hang an eat his frog
Like February 18, 2021
Ha! This one is my super aggressive chonky one, she lunges at me whenever I put my hand in the tank for anything, shes even tried to pull a hornworm out of her roommate's mouth as he was eating it. Shes also really bad at aiming so she kinda just flails at food when I hand-feed her mice and worms
Like February 18, 2021
She is fine with crickets and superworms she just gets really excited about hornworms and pinky mice and jumps all over the place haha
Like February 27, 2021
Hey brother man thanks for updatinf me about the shirt look at the new video and it blow my mind i tried ordering the second edition and am having troubles can you help me
https://shop.creamforever.com/ Sure thing man, I believe theres a link on this page. Im also planning on scanning and uploading the new content when I get it and posting in the 5meo groups
Like January 11, 2021 Edited
For some reason it keeps saying page not found when I click the link in the app, but if you click Home on that page it brings you to their home page that has a link
Like January 11, 2021
Yeah i just placed the order so waiting for my copy now thanks again im super hyped
Like January 11, 2021
Finally have a vent hood so I can more safely run distillations -- yay! Tested it out isolating methanol from this denatured alcohol, first time doing it and holy fuck is it a slow separation if you w... View More
25 to 90 ml of methanol can be lethal. Often times permanent blindness is the result if one lives.... DO NOT INJEST
Like February 4, 2021
Homemade wine also has methanol in it as well as brandy produced through freeze-distillation. My wife drinks my wine like its the cure to being an alcoholic and she has yet to go blind or get lock jaw. And obviously its diluted with ethanol, but i was under the impression that just being diluted was... View More
Like February 4, 2021
Batman interesting, Ive also read that methanol is endogenous in our mouths and saliva, so like we do actually have something tiny like 0.03% in our breath. The dose makes the poison. I think the main problem with poisoning is that early distillers just started drinking their heads right as they rol... View More
Like February 4, 2021 Edited
Batman- distiller "heads" is ethanol and methanol together. Its still very dangerous. The smell alone will make you think twice about having a sip.
Like February 4, 2021
Anyone ever dosed in a sensory deprivation float tank? I've done the floats before, they're pretty awesome on their own. I prepaid for another one a while ago, thinking of scheduling it for the winter... View More
Oscar Acosta
Yes, I personally find that there is no need for it. Once you get the hang of it, its comparable to a deep meditation in no time quick.
Like January 1, 2021
Brown Buffalo I agree, I tried it on the solstice and because youre so cut off from your senses it was hard to even tell I was tripping. Other than that it made me possibly more meditative, I didn't have any extraordinary visuals or anything like that
Like January 1, 2021
Oscar Acosta
i did it last year, ate 2g of cubes and went in. I spent the first half trying to get comfortable and the last half trying not to bump into the walls and get water iin my eyes. Personally, not for me. I do however enjoy a good float.
Like January 1, 2021
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