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SoCal here to whodat420. Thankfully I don't have to worry about my parents knowing what I was doing all night.
12 people like this.
mega corporations, authoritarian governments, people with resources and influence, corruption, greed, monopolies, oligarchies, nepotism, particracies, lobbys, opaque and non-democratic supra-national organizations, genetic engineering, biological weapons, eugenism, ...
Fennec's right about the lack of resources for that many people to live in that kind of abundance... And that's of the best sets of modifications to the standard model of capitalism... But if humans managed to reasonably reduce the population (not likely) and reshaped communities to be small, auton... View More
September 3, 2021
Personal therory/beilefs Life could have already happened the government took over (the evil side of us)/ could have taken over. the Illuminati was created to save humanity & advance into a free world... View More
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Everything and nothing my friend, choose one while chasing the other. like a constant game of hide n seek, cat and mouse, black or white, left and right. Cant have one without the other, yet they seemingly fuse into one when crucially necessary. Sort of in a way how life happens, free range thought ... View More
As much as i try to shed the old me, the enlightened side of me sees the usefulness in the primitive side of myself...
I think the most important thing for my ascension is to ensure that the "keys" are handed to the enlightened one inside of me and that will help keep my primitive self in check. It... View More
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Reminds me of this beautiful comic:
April 2, 2021
25 people like this.
Cogito ergo sum. I may be in the matrix or some other simulation. I may be a brain in a vat. I may be being fooled by Descartes demon. I may be completely oblivious to the circumstances or ultimate reality of my true existence. But my existence i am certain of, regardless of its true nature i may be... View More