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Female. Lives in Los Angles, United States. Born on August 17, 2001.
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Has music ever synchronized with your trip and the thoughts you have on that trip? Almost like you wrote the music for yourself through someone else? Which again brings me back to OI (open individuali... View More
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Happens all the time, tripping or sober. Everything synchonizes to the point that it comes down to the T of how this body feels. Though at the same time, music trips me out too much during trips, so it never does my mind any favors of personal growth
Like March 28, 2021 Edited
Whats odd is Mac knew he was going to die. Swimming & Circles (listen to Everybody on his Circles album). He also didnt want to be part of the 27 club, he died at 26. In the pool in his house he wrote “I am Mac Miller I once lived now i am dead, my soul remains here.”
Like March 28, 2021 Edited
Logicalkid https://youtu.be/E1iwrfgNOUU pink guy/getter remix. Whenever i let myself get sucked into my monkey brain this song brings bme right back to the trip that changed my "life"
Like March 28, 2021
Yes! Carl Jung refered to it as Synchronicity. It happens to me in music when I put an algorithmic playlist or some random playlist while doing DMT. ... View More
Like March 28, 2021 Edited
Do you have your DMT trips with your eyes closed or open?
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Dmt shoudl be done for meditation if you take a high enogh dose youll breakthrogh thr room and be abke to see certin thigns i uhally ask a question to a higher power and it is answere weather a good trip or bar eyes open i see entites that may br around me witch hrlp me inderstand my vibration in lu... View More
Like March 28, 2021
The first time i broke theough the room i saa the tree of life in 4th dimension snd tgere was the grim reaper holding a scae and sythe on either side on whit one black and i saw my nervers and energy through my hands i opend my eyes and saw some entites and after reasurching i was able to find them ... View More
Like March 28, 2021 Edited
I have hit a tank and suddenly my brain seemed to open into almost like a theatre. It didn't matter if my eyes were open. If you hit it right it will be the only thing you'll experience no matter what you do. I have heard of people sitting in their rooms and the walls falling flat.
Like March 29, 2021
I have yet to breakthrough in the sense of experiencing astral projection, although I believe I’ve come close a couple of times with ~45g in a e-mesh and another time while puffing away on a DMT cart after taking Syrian rue. I think I have a weirdly high tolerance, since 30-45mg in a e-mesh has bl... View More
Like March 29, 2021 Edited
What are your thoughts on open individualism?
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We might understand that we are one intelectually, But the real challenge is to realize it in the flesh, experientially. Buddhists say it is posible. ... View More
Like March 28, 2021 Edited
Open individualism is the believe that you are everyone who is and was. There is no individuality rather we are consciousness experiencing different perceptions of life. You don’t perceive the environment. There is no public world. Instead, your local environment partially selects your brain states,... View More
Like March 28, 2021
username101 yes, thanks to reddit 1f642.png
Like March 28, 2021
Logicalkid i totally agree. If you look at my name it says exactly that 1f642.png
Like April 7, 2021
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