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Male. Lives in Baltimore, United States.
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Om mani padme hum
Seriousness is the ego feeling sorry for itself.
Whats the best way to get over a girl that you love but know isnt happy with you and is slowly moving on without saying anything or trying to fix anything. Im just venting but this sucks we have a hou... View More
@herenow yezzir family indeed
Like April 11, 2021
Prepare for the worst hope for the best , communication can be key but not always what is needed and if the worst happenes rebound ..alot
Like April 11, 2021
So glad you found it helpful, my friend. Sending good vibes and healing energy
Like April 11, 2021
Thank you all so very much. ✌
Like April 12, 2021
Happy easter errrbody!
Albino deer right behind my house it kinda tripped me out when i first saw it
Have them in tn as well
Like April 3, 2021
Joey green thanks for the information! im part native american and i did feel a strange sensation come over me when i saw it. Now that you mention it ever seince i saw that deer my relationship had started to fall apart as well as my sanity.
Like April 4, 2021
Probably tastes the same but the pelt sure would look nice hanging in the den
Like April 4, 2021
Joey Green
True upon both counts Traditionalistic! I know more than one hunter whom has one of these trophy mounted, including the cape hanging on the wall in their living room!
Like April 4, 2021
Grateful for plant medicine grateful for dmt world grateful for the opportunity to do whatever it is i came here to do.
Be good to yourself. Sometimes its easier said then done. But you are worth it.
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