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Female. Lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Is single.
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After some years of psychedelic experiences i felt ( and was told ) it was time to guide others on their travels... So, after buying truffles online for a while i tried to use a grow kit for the first... View More
11 people like this.
What grow kit?
Like November 25, 2020
I orderd it online from a Dutch smart site.
Like November 25, 2020
After some years of psychedelic experiences i felt ( and was told ) it was time to guide others on their travels... So, after buying truffles online for a while i tried to use a grow kit for the first... View More
18 people like this.
Are you in the US? I've been considering treating my wife and myself to an order of truffles but am hesitant to have them shipped to US.
Like November 30, 2020
No, i live in the Netherlands. Sounds like very nice treat your have in mind! but i do understand your hesitation
Like November 30, 2020
Ur work is mush appreciated ❤️
Like November 30, 2020
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