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Lives in Bloomington. Born on September 15, 2000.
Safety and Harm Reduction
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Beginners of Mycology
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Actively Tripping Down The Rabbit Hole
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Magic Truffles
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Mycology » Psilocybin
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Mescaline extraction
743 Members
How does the production of mda happen? I know it comes from safrole oil or isosafrole.
Anyone from btown, IN?
1 person likes this.
Im not from there, but they know how to party out there. Love the btown people
Like December 12, 2020
shared a few photos
Not the best pics but its growing smile.gif i put the bag into a tub last sunday.
Im gonna eat 4 gs of golden teachers at 7, should i expect more than what an eighth feels like or?
4 people like this.
Lucky charms
Enjoy get comfortable
Like December 6, 2020
That was crazy. That was the first trip ive felt scared. My dad came in the room because i asked him to over text while i was curled up in a ball in my bed and asked me what was wrong and i didnt reslly know so thats what i told him and he just said “you dont need to know anything” and everything fe... View More
Like December 7, 2020
Im thinkin i got rid of somethin nasty
Like December 7, 2020
Expect for the unexpected. Prepare a colorful platter of fruit and veggies worthy of hosting gods into your space. Dice a lemon as a side companion and occasionally look at the center and suck on it. Opt for water instead of gatorade to keep you hydrated-and have faith you will come out more polishe... View More
Like December 9, 2020
Im thinkin this is lookin gooooood. The block of substrate is starting to get hard which i assume means the myc is spreading and its been white for a solid like 6 or 7 days now so im taking that as it... View More
1 person likes this.
Which one?
Like December 2, 2020
The picture looks a bit discolored bc of lighting but its straight white.
Like December 2, 2020
my fault yeah it looks brown
Like December 3, 2020
Is this something your trying after growing for a good while?
Like December 4, 2020
shared a few photos
What yall think of my SAB? Im gettin ready to make some agar but i cant get dry malt extract does the dog food agar tek actually work? went overkill with the gloves because my house is old and dusty.
5 people like this.
Like many have said in different words, still air box is simply that, a box with the stillest air possible. Adding any air movement to said box then takes away its primary purpose. A still air box is not meant to be sterile, or i think it would be called a sterile air box. A still air box works best... View More
Like December 2, 2020
Anlong with proper design comes proper procedure, you can have a flowhood and still fail with bad procedures and techniques.
Like December 2, 2020
Okay awesome thank you guys for explaing the couple videos i watched were obvioulsy incorrect lol.
Like December 2, 2020
Nice box my dude is that a toilet ring LOL
Like December 4, 2020
I have a fun little question. Could you theoretically cross a bioluminescent shroom with a magic or edible one? Apologied it thats a dumb question im just reading all this stuff about crossing genetic... View More
2 people like this.
@fungi_dclxvi you mean Man/Bear/Pig
Like November 29, 2020
Lol cool i love all the responses. Wasnt a fully serious question was just tokin and thought about it
Like November 29, 2020
The best way to get an answer is to ask. Won't always like the answers, but that's how it be.
Like November 29, 2020 Edited
Oh yea! Its calls crspr or something like that right?
Like November 30, 2020
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