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Lives in Bloomington. Born on September 15, 2000.
Safety and Harm Reduction
340 Members
Beginners of Mycology
679 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
Actively Tripping Down The Rabbit Hole
537 Members
466 Members
Magic Truffles
326 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
462 Members
Mescaline extraction
743 Members

Status Update

Im gonna eat 4 gs of golden teachers at 7, should i expect more than what an eighth feels like or?
4 people like this.
Lucky charms
Enjoy get comfortable
Like December 6, 2020
That was crazy. That was the first trip ive felt scared. My dad came in the room because i asked him to over text while i was curled up in a ball in my bed and asked me what was wrong and i didnt reslly know so thats what i told him and he just said “you dont need to know anything” and everything fe... View More
Like December 7, 2020
Im thinkin i got rid of somethin nasty
Like December 7, 2020
Expect for the unexpected. Prepare a colorful platter of fruit and veggies worthy of hosting gods into your space. Dice a lemon as a side companion and occasionally look at the center and suck on it. Opt for water instead of gatorade to keep you hydrated-and have faith you will come out more polishe... View More
Like December 9, 2020