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Hi, I'm looking for buy mhrb, can You send me some sources where I can buy from pls? Peace ????
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Primebark has some really good bark and dyenaturally.net has some cheap ass bark
Like April 8, 2023
Go to the groups and search for The Review. Join it and read the reviews. What you seek is there.
Like April 8, 2023
looks like we got another one. Please kindly show him out. Thank you
Like June 29, 2023
Hi there angel.gif can you please check your inbox, because i had a few questions to ask heart.gif
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Hi there. Your post was deleted as it violates the rule we have about sharing our socials in the feed or comments. Thanks for understanding.
Ok so I’m about to make some mye agar I have a plate of pe and gt for some transfers I’m planning to put on a few plates I’ve grown both pe and gt in dub tub looking to switch it up these are what I h... View More
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A link to sub and grain to tub equation also yeah i wanted to try pan heard there a bit more potent
Like March 10, 2021
Ive grown pe and gt want to do something nrw
Like March 10, 2021
Ok i heard the same i heard if you leave in jar they truffle
Like March 10, 2021
shared a few photos
What are you thoughts on were i should transfer from it on mea going to out in mya looks like that as it was in the freezer
Rusty whyte
Golden teacher
P. Galindoi
Teonanacatl Cubensis
Golden mammoth
AA+ Syringes
P mexicanas
Which one would you recommend ive grown gt And pe looking for something with ... View More

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Lmfaooooo add me bro
Like February 10, 2021
Mazatapec has been the fastest for me. B+ is easy, but takes a little more time. Another fast and easy one is Blue Meanies if you can get them.
Like February 10, 2021
Cube is a cube,p galindoi is different than cubes differen chemical ratios,didferent trip and you can grow truffles with galindoi or mexicanas.They not fast but unique,im waiting for my galindoi spores to come 1f642.png
Like February 10, 2021
Hey bro hmu im done to leave some jars sitting to get truffles i heard there a way to do it hmu
Like February 10, 2021
Where the mushroom dose chart lol bis much to be comoletelt gone have done 5 g of pe
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Capitano Sours
This is a vibe
Like February 13, 2021
dam wtf did i even write lmfaoooo
Like February 14, 2021
Capitano Sours
Thats another vibe lmao
Like February 14, 2021
So this jar out of 16 has the fastest growth and over super white in color is there a way to a piece and put it on agar want to clone also is there a reason why this one would be out growinf the other... View More
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CaLi Uso
When you spawn it to bulk substrate, take one of the the top ones covered in mycelium and put it on sterolized agar... it should be that simple... still new myself
Like February 3, 2021
Wait until the jar is fully colonized before you open it. Once its colonized i’d take a sterized spoon and take a spoonfull out and put in a new jar. Take a grain or two from the spoon and drop onto agar. Id do a few in case one gets contam.
Like February 3, 2021
Its ready to shake. Wait until the jar is fully colonized (about five days if you shake) and while spawning to bulk set a few grains out and drop them into a few agar cups/lids. From there its all agar to agar, that is until you want to work with another strain. Super easy once you get the hang of i... View More
Like February 3, 2021 Edited
shared a few photos
These are how most of my jars looking agar to graind 1/23 shiulf i go ahead and shake ???
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It all depends on how aggro the mycelium is. But generally it takes about 2 weeks for 100%. About a week to get to 30-40%, shake the jars, and about another week to finish off. Whats the temp in the room?
Like February 3, 2021
69-79 all day
Like February 3, 2021
But the one jar im the pic thats super nice is gt going to drop a few grains into mya agar
Like February 3, 2021
Thats a big temp swing. Can you get it a little more stable? And away from that 79 mark. Too close to 80 and thats getting to where contams like to thrive. 72-76 is a good temp
Like February 4, 2021
How long after eating food should one wait to consume mushrooms
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Ok how much would one take to just have the giggles
Like January 31, 2021
Wait a few hours for your stomach to settle.
Like February 1, 2021
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