on February 3, 2021
So this jar out of 16 has the fastest growth and over super white in color is there a way to a piece and put it on agar want to clone also is there a reason why this one would be out growinf the others
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CaLi Uso
When you spawn it to bulk substrate, take one of the the top ones covered in mycelium and put it on sterolized agar... it should be that simple... still new myself
Like February 3, 2021
Wait until the jar is fully colonized before you open it. Once its colonized i’d take a sterized spoon and take a spoonfull out and put in a new jar. Take a grain or two from the spoon and drop onto agar. Id do a few in case one gets contam.
Like February 3, 2021
Its ready to shake. Wait until the jar is fully colonized (about five days if you shake) and while spawning to bulk set a few grains out and drop them into a few agar cups/lids. From there its all agar to agar, that is until you want to work with another strain. Super easy once you get the hang of i... View More
Like February 3, 2021 Edited