on February 3, 2021
These are how most of my jars looking agar to graind 1/23 shiulf i go ahead and shake ???
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It all depends on how aggro the mycelium is. But generally it takes about 2 weeks for 100%. About a week to get to 30-40%, shake the jars, and about another week to finish off. Whats the temp in the room?
Like February 3, 2021
69-79 all day
Like February 3, 2021
But the one jar im the pic thats super nice is gt going to drop a few grains into mya agar
Like February 3, 2021
Thats a big temp swing. Can you get it a little more stable? And away from that 79 mark. Too close to 80 and thats getting to where contams like to thrive. 72-76 is a good temp
Like February 4, 2021