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Male. Lives in Birmingham. Is married.
About Me
White male
From the UK
Looking to meet like minded people and learn more about the DMT experience
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Hey everyone, any UK peeps here that can help with some LCD based questions?
1 person likes this.
do you have any guidance for what i should be looking for?
Like September 28, 2021
You mean the LCD band from the UK ? https://youtu.be/GMGn8Zi9n2k
Like September 28, 2021
you are looking for white / cream coloured conical mushrooms that have a nipple on top. there are loads of ID guides available online.
Like September 28, 2021
got it, cheers pal
Like September 28, 2021
Can anyone help a friend?
4 people like this.
I am sure someone will speak up and help you.
Like September 1, 2021
Edward Scissorhands
Doesn't look fully colonized either. Could be why it developed the mold.
Like September 1, 2021
What a trip
Anyone from the uk that can assist me with obtaining spores for miscroscopic research?
Any assitance would be greatly appreciated.
4 people like this.
And what happens on agar if its contaminated?
Like August 19, 2021
@mintus55 where is that waterfall in your profile pic? Im going camping in wales this weekend please says its there?
Like August 19, 2021
Unfortunately the pic is from Iceland, which is a great country to go camping in if you don't mind the occasional frost on your tent at the height of summer. Wales does have loads of waterfalls, but more importantly it has loads of magic mushrooms growing everywhere, so keep your eyes peeled and ta... View More
Like August 19, 2021
Interesting, i've never had a problem with either cyclocybe or Viking . Both have sent clean me clean every time so far. I test in front of my hood and eyeball thru my scope. But not to say mistakes cant happen.
Like August 21, 2021
Im really having trouble with this DM, my app doesnt have any message icon. I cant even get to that page with the terms & conditions
2 people like this.
I find this objectionable. Is there a safe space group I can join until it's gone?
Like April 12, 2021
This place has been going to shit anyways, might as well go full facebook and eradicate free expression as well
Like April 12, 2021
Those have been the terms and conditions since this place started 2+ years ago. If you have been around for a bit you know we only remove posts or comments for very specific reasons.... sourcing, unupgraded advertising/selling, death threats, leaving contact info in public spaces, location shouting ... View More
Like April 13, 2021
In all seriousness it's common sense. Besides what Saidar said people know what can and can't be posted. People aren't posting crazy videos from pornhub, people getting beheaded, or any other crazy shit one can find on the internet.
Like April 13, 2021
I want to hear you 5 meo dmt experiences im toying with the idea myself.... did you do it domestically (in your yard) or did you go to a propa sanctuary in south america perhaps?? Was it a screamer li... View More
1 person likes this.
PS I didn’t mean to hijack the thread and try to make it about me and I apologize for that but please do keep me posted on how it goes for you.
Like April 10, 2021
Do not be sorry this is what the open discussion is for, so thanks for being open... i asked the question to gather information for my own voyage or none voyage as it may well be, your experimcea are valid and tha fact you have gome into the reln at least once gives me more confidence to at leadt to... View More
Like April 10, 2021
Caps91 you have seen more than me then... i love N,N and to me its already the experince i was after??
Like April 10, 2021
There are some good books documenting near death experiences and they, in my opinion, very closely mimic the spiritual experiences Ive had with the toad and larget doses of fungus. I also think it shadows Joseph Campbells hero cycle. For me the experience is very much tied to the meaning o... View More
Like April 11, 2021
So who see’s egypt related stuff when on a DMT venture. My first (only done it twice) in one night, was two spyinx like bears calming me down and trying to stop me laughing to get me to go deeper. Oh ... View More
5 people like this.
Yeah i didnt get it on the second go but im sure i will see something similiar again. I beleive they based their structures and headwear based on their DMT visions
Like April 9, 2021
Mine looked like an Egyptian goddess smoking dmt through a necter collectior
Like April 10, 2021
A necter collector... its crazy as its all more real than life at the time
Like April 10, 2021
At the time? It's more real than this all the time your brain prolly releases dmt at a near death experience giving you a taste of true reality
Like April 11, 2021
Can people tell me more about this comminity? Not just on here the community as a whole... ive been a regular reci drug user with plenty of LCD experinces also from the shrooms but this was many years... View More
2 people like this.
You get what you put into it. There isn't much politics discussed here, which myself and most people seem to like. There are people from all walks of life here and all ages. It's just a psychedelic enthusiast social network. People post questions about all sorts of topics from growing weed and shroo... View More
Like April 8, 2021 Edited
Haha i like the sound of that, not sure what i can offer in terms of knowledge yet though but i will try my best.... been blocked by a special someone who might that be then? Im inspired to be blocked
Like April 8, 2021
This community is love
Like April 10, 2021
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