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i went to the mountains for my weekend birthday and tried my luck at some trout fishing but i only landed those little river carp. i had a great time regardless but i definitely plan on going back... ... View More
41 people like this.
Looks amazing
Like July 26, 2020
MY FIRST APE TUB! i feel like i was finally asked to sit with the cool kids at lunch lol it was a blast working with these... now as far as dosing goes, how much more potent are these guys compared to... View More
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Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Ive also always felt its kinda wastefull to “stack” shrooms. Always seemed to me they wont live up to their potential this way. Its much of a difference eating it all at once or waiting 2 hours and then eat more. If you are experienced i suggest eating them all at once.
Like July 27, 2020
From what I understand the potentency of penis envy is 1.5 is equivalent to 3.5 and that's all I've ever had is 1.5 of p.e. and I spilt that with a old friend was a short lived trip felt like 3 hours tops but a blast all the way and been hoping one day to take down 7.5 made as blue juice
Like July 27, 2020
My first and only breakthrough was on apes. I ate 5g in silent darkness. Only took about 15 mins before the scientists showed up.
Like August 15, 2020
cambo isolate i’m working on... had to swab for spores. they even have a solid stipe!
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Like June 23, 2020
Looks great! I just birthed 6 cakes yesterday of the same thing. Will actually be my next to last PF Tek b4 I go up to better teks.
Like August 15, 2020
Joey Green
Cubensisational! Awesome job with those and Im digging your chosen camera perspective!
Like August 15, 2020
probably the prettiest tub i’ve had so far, this was so fun to watch! first flush was 716.3 wet
49 people like this.
What sources are you using to aid in your cultivation? Ive only grown once before and I grew them on individual cakes but my yield wasnt so good.
Like June 9, 2020
Additionally, is this a shotgun fruiting chamber? Because i just made one out of a plastic bin and drilled holes in it.
Like June 9, 2020
@Momalley this is a monotub homie, i’ve never done cakes or SGFC..., i wish i could offer some advice on cakes. but as far as cultivation aids, shit man just asking around. make friends here, there’s the shroomery page of course, i’m a part of a few fb groups.... just read like hell and ask question... View More
Like June 9, 2020
I second mycomadness and his youtube channel. I use his popcorn tek to the T as well as his manure recipe. Im 6 days into spawning to bulk and averaging 75% colonization. My martha is showing up any day now.
Like June 9, 2020
just doing some morning rounds
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Jay Pickles
Ahhh bro these surface conditions look freakin perfect! Really wish I could show you mine as well, it's just starting to pin; without making a separate post. Lol oh well
Like May 29, 2020
fuck it post away!
Like May 30, 2020
love sippin on my morning coffee while i check out my rhizo lawns
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Jay Pickles
This thing start pinning yet? Excited for an update.
Like May 28, 2020
yeah i noticed a few pins and tons of knots... i’ll take a new pic in the morning my boy
Like May 29, 2020
Like June 7, 2020
if you go to their profile they have had one other update I asked yesterday as well! Lol
Like June 7, 2020
shared a photo
i can’t wait throw this in a tub. i think the most important lesson the hobby has taught me is that patience is key!
lil bit of popcorn tek
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Like April 16, 2020
shared a few photos
B+ mutant
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When you piss your self thats when we know we are haveing fun happens to the best of us lol
Like April 15, 2020
Lmao! I was like "it feels like my water breaking 100 times in one sitting!"
Like April 15, 2020
Ha i really thought i was the only one that had happened to i actually quit eating them because the last time i did it was 5 years after i had my son i was at a friends house sitting on the pool table laughed and basically soaked the pool table i was so embarrassed but after a kid bladder control ca... View More
Like April 15, 2020
That is the meanest thing i have ever seen though id love to get my hands on any even close to that
Like April 15, 2020
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