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Hello, my plant has been in the flowering stage and the buds have not been producing. The plant is drooping and I have lights on it too. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Im being cautious to not overwat... View More
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Looks like needs water. Also do you have salt like build-up on dirt. If so could be a nutrient lock. Don't spray plant water base.
Like October 7, 2020
Is the ideal ph level in water or substrate?
Like October 13, 2020
Looks like phosphorus and potassium deficiency maybe?
Like October 25, 2020
how much you watering it? I would say thats over watering not under watering
Like October 28, 2020
Made a rookie mistake of overwatering my plants and its in the flowering stage. It is drooping on me! Mineral deficiency is occurring as well (yellow leaves).
I'm wondering if it would be a bad i... View More

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Do not transplant especially if its that big. Let it dry out, like fully dry. It may be experiencing lockout on the nutrients from an overdose if that makes sense. Once its fully dry almoat droopy water it with some b12 added
Like September 7, 2020
I found mine dropped when there wasn't enough water, I water the shit out of mine. I do have fairly good drainage though, maybe that's why?
Like September 7, 2020
They droop from both lack and excess
Like September 7, 2020
Questioning how the variance in dieta can affect an ayuhuasca trip. I want to attend a ceremony in 5 days but I'm a heavy pot smoker and worried that this might affect it and won't be enough time to c... View More
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Questioning how the variance in dieta can affect the ayuhuasca trip. I want to attend a ceremony in 5 days but I want to know if that is enough time to do the dieta and still get a positive experience... View More
Male or female? Been watching this closely over the last few weeks and I cant tell
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Also, when do I have to worry about getting rid of it if it does turn out to be male?
Like July 11, 2020
Okay, also another question because I have a female growing as well. Im growing outdoors and not sure how to deal with the 12/12 light cycle because this is my first rodeo. Will the plant be okay and flower on its own without switching it to 12/12?
Like July 11, 2020
They will eventually go into flowering when it's the proper season and depending on where you live and how long the sun stays up.
Like July 13, 2020
So I live in Chicago, where we have all 4 seasons as I'm sure you're aware of. Do you think it will be okay to just let it do its thing?
Like July 13, 2020
Bought these and they seem a bit moldy. Definitely not cracker dry either. Anyone have any experience with this? Is it safe?
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Brandon Izzarelli
I wouldn’t take those Man that ain’t good you never want to take anything that’s got mold growing on it and that damn sure does
Like July 8, 2020
Yeah I'm not risking it. Not worth the sickness that will inevitably ensue
Like July 8, 2020
I was gonna say put them in a dehydrator to dry them more but.. those suckas are green...not good. They should not be sellin stuff like that. Hope you can get you $ back.
Like July 8, 2020
Yeah that looks like mold man. I wouldnt pick up from that person again.
Like July 8, 2020
Asking again because I'm not the most seasoned cannabis grower: does this look male or female? Or is it still too early to tell?
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If you can flash the plant. Move to 12/12 should tell you then. That's what i do when i dont know.
Like June 26, 2020
still a little early to tell i think. if you look at the bottom node, where the stipules are(the small hair like parts underneath the auxiliary shoots) preflowers(calyx) should appear just above them a couple of weeks into 12-12 if they are photo period. give it a week to transition, and by then two... View More
Like June 26, 2020 Edited
Joey Green
Info above is accurate so its really a wait and see scenario ..... But ...... If i were forced to take a guess just going by those photos alone and my experience over many years ..... Id guess male
Like June 26, 2020
Like June 27, 2020
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