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Sananga TRIBE
256 Members
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Psilocybe semilanceata
231 Members
470 Members
Natural OMT/Detox “withstand don’t withdrawal”
275 Members
Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
606 Members
Psychedelics for mental health
1042 Members
Actively Tripping Down The Rabbit Hole
541 Members
Cannabis jrs
314 Members
Psychedelics » Cannabis
Shroomin jrs
613 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
Mine is pretty obvious as everyone probably knows where this is from but funny part is when i was a kid 8-12 i wanted to be alice and i used to tell everyone.... Im a boy lmao wasnt the most popular m... View More
Jameson and Daisy my R.O.D.s
Does anyone put worm poo into their substrate? And if so what one and how much and benefits thanks
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If i could i would give yall a hug each and every one of you mufuckas... Love yall
Cant stop wont stop
10 people like this.
Peace and love friendly stranger
Like September 17, 2020
Gogosohel i love your art reminds me of festis whatever happened to those
Like September 17, 2020
Went to my last parole meeting thank god...8.5 years ago got caught with 10+ lbs of herb in south dakota when i was 19 years old... I got sentences to 9 years in prison i served from 19to 23 and got o... View More
40 people like this.
@Username101 thats been the goald every day for the last 4 years.... The next move is out of this state moving next month
Like August 26, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
My husband Kratoxes just paid off probation on Friday and had his 2nd violation dismissed today
Like August 26, 2020
Like September 4, 2020
Was wondering if anyone knew how ro make jelly tabs thanks so much for this community any everyones help
2 people like this.
Its hard to find info for sure looked forever lmao
Like August 21, 2020
I have some questions about flow hoods if anyone had the time and knowledge thanks so much
3 people like this.
Dude my unit is around 400$ and will sterilize 3500sqft area. I work with my back to it about 20ft away with a dog and carpet who knows what in that gap. I do open air work in that way and have no contams from the air.
Like August 26, 2020
Ill put a link to it later. I dont share it since its pricey but much cheaper than a flow hood. Use science to be clean. Lightning purifies.
Like August 26, 2020
Air Purifier helps and if it has a UV even better. Clean the room the night before wiped it down close the windows run the unit all night. turn it off 10 - 20 minutes before you do any sensitive work and do your business before anyone uses the space. Then you can do it open air. Clean is good. But t... View More
Like August 27, 2020
Greetings from good ol South Dakota lmao i love having this page to talk to like minded people... Open mindedness is a dieing trait here... Thanks everyone
6 people like this.
glad you found your way
Like August 7, 2020
You did good friend
Like August 10, 2020
So i know your suppose to pasturize has anyone tried to steralize their bulk substrate? What has happened. Also looking for the beat way to pasturize a bunch of sub at once with unicorn bags what woul... View More
3 people like this.
"Sterilizing" will eliminate ALL bacteria/organisms this includes all the good bacteria/organisms, best to not fully sterlize. On method to pasturize i believe another member of this place could answer that better. I'll just recomend you look up "Home Mycology" on YouTube, he should have a pasteuri... View More
Like August 6, 2020
Yo this dude ia one of the realest i have ever met.... Thanks for being you man... 100 showed me thia site and so so so much more thanks ur a true brother
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