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For anyone trying out symbolism for the first time here is one of many simple examples I experienced in the last months. Please feel free to share your own!
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Ps the images are scrambled just read the first and last line to sort them out my internet didnt work that well :-)
Like August 22, 2019
Sounds like mindfulness to me1f642.png
Like August 22, 2019
When an open mind thinks he figured stuff out, then the hallucinogens come along and he is remembered like never before not to take himself so seriously; for even the openmindedness he appeared to hav... View More
8 people like this.
For micro dosing I was indeed not so clear: I used to microdose(.3g or less) daily with NO problems and great effects(likewise to anti depressants, coffee, ... but with a much much clearer natural feeling), I did learn in that period that if you micro daily best seems to be to take a weekend off eve... View More
Like August 14, 2019 Edited
Ps yeah the pic is extremely funny, one has got a flower in his hair being naked on the side... that gaze Leary has is epic
Like August 14, 2019
I want to thank all of you for making this forum and others alike possible. All who are here are newbies in a way, trying to share experiences. It is without the possibility to share these, talk about... View More
Anybody shipping Salvia Divinorum plants in europe? Don't need the leaf or extracts,only plants; or in worst case seeds. + Pricing plz Grtz
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If you find someone with a good supply of cuttings, let me know. Lol I would love to grow some 1f642.png
Like July 31, 2019
Anyone here been able to document a mapping or something concerning navigation? I’ve read and heard pretty much everything from McKenna, I am pretty well educated on Buddhism and for example(what i me... View More
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Ps I forgot to mention this in my original post: ‘a psychonauts guide to the invisible landscape - dan carpenter is the best and closest I ever came to Reading a fully spread out map. Cant figure out how I forgot to mention this one as its one of my top books to read if you ever want to ‘trip hard’.... View More
Like August 22, 2019
I've seen a few maps over the years , interesting but indicipherable to anyone other than the person who made them.. kabbalah is cool, and look for online gnostic and occult groups, there's a few good ones around.. ive questioned the possibility of anything like a ma being feasible because, well I... View More
Like August 22, 2019
Ernie, if you read (its pretty short) Carpenters book you Will see mapping IS possible in a way, the same Goes for ‘way of the shaman -Michael harner’ or the tibetan book of the dead etc. My guess was Kabbalah indeed was a strong one, my hope however was to find more Carpenter like books that specif... View More
Like August 22, 2019
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