on August 14, 2019
When an open mind thinks he figured stuff out, then the hallucinogens come along and he is remembered like never before not to take himself so seriously; for even the openmindedness he appeared to have is nothing but a standard set by the society he grew up in.
We need these plants, the symbiotic relationship through which we can associate all of ourselves as a whole with all we feel and see and hear, and therefore dissociate from our ego, not fully because it to is part of us, but in the amount it is natural. Our ego is a radar, we associate with it so much we forget the rest; we even put up a silly suit...
these plants eat overused ego like dead skinflakes, and so we need these plants, even the so called ‘best of us’
What is your view on the frequency and amount(besides all the guidelines for beginners)?
McKenna once spoke about daily intake and in this conversation he put down the bright question of someone in the audience about microdosing to taking a gram a day. He said one would be happy but unfit for others.
I think he was right but wrong(as he often Lets his ego do the talking which is very understandable as he also speaks as an entertainer since he got popular) I believe this is indeed a transition one undergoes; accepting not all can live near a person who demands truth in some way and does not ‘talk the talk’ of the ego driven maniac; but it is a necessary one.
I myself use psychedelics weekly, mostly mushrooms. I used them daily and bimonthly; the last made me ego-sick as one gets, the first made me hold my breath too much and experience vertigo. Weekly doses of (mushrooms for ex) 1-2 grams appear to be perfect with a big dose or something ‘new’ maybe once a month or less.
I’m in a good place for now but there still is tuning to be done.
So, experiences? Links?
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For micro dosing I was indeed not so clear: I used to microdose(.3g or less) daily with NO problems and great effects(likewise to anti depressants, coffee, ... but with a much much clearer natural feeling), I did learn in that period that if you micro daily best seems to be to take a weekend off eve... View More
Like August 14, 2019 Edited
Ps yeah the pic is extremely funny, one has got a flower in his hair being naked on the side... that gaze Leary has is epic
Like August 14, 2019